I'm so lucky to have so many furiends!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Its Time!

The time has come! The time to vote!
Mango Minster has started and it is time to vote for your favorite hound dog (me)!
In case you don't remember I entered the hound group with this photo as a Chow Hound!
(as in, I love to eat, give me food!)
Look how cute I am! 
I am certainly not trying to sway votes in my favor
but how can you resist?
Click here to vote for your favorite hound dog (Twix)!


Bijou said...

Hi Twix,

I am on my over to vote right now! You are the cutest Chow Hound ever!


sadermaxx said...

Hi Twix

We voted for you, and we want to wish you good luck!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hi Twix, I have ALREADY VOTED FOR YOU!!!! I hope you win!!!!
Did you get a bunch of that bad snowy weather???

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We think you have a pawesome entry, Twix, very original and very cute - lots of luck.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hey Twix, I just checked.... You have 5 votes already!!!! Yea!!!!
Did you tell your mom and dad and grandma to call all their furends and get them to vote for you???? Get out there and campaign.

Ms. ~K said...

Been there, done that, before you even asked us to!
You know we love you, Twix!

The Army of Four said...

I just voted for you Twix! Gotta support the home team!!! HA roooo!
Play bows,

kalyxcorn said...

i just voted 4 u! good luck!! :)


Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

The die, erm, vote has been cast! You are the most awesome chow hound! Good luck!

*kissey face*

Unknown said...

Been there, done that. You're doing pawesome, amiga! I can't wait 'till the results are finalized.

Marla said...

Voted for you Twixie! Looks like you are leading the pack . . . :)

billiejean said...

Hi Twix, I think you are winnning with 22%. I voted for you already! You go girl!

Sue said...

Thanks for coming by our blog, Twix. We all wish you good luck in the contest. You sure are a cutie.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Twix!
I have voted for you!
You have 24% of votes right now!
You are the leader! Wow!
Kisses and hugs

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

AHROOOOOOOOO I just checked again. You had 18 votes then. YEA!!! We KNOW you are a WINNER/Weiner. hehehe Paws crossed for a landslide!!!

Sue said...

HI Neighbor!!

Did you get lots of snow this weekend? We've been playing in the white stuff all weekend and we're ten tired doggies right now. Mom is looking forward to a good night's sleep.

The Porties, Morgan and Tsar

Martine said...

We LOVE this photo!!!

It's the BESTEST EVER!!!!

good luck... we voted for you :)

Selba said...


You look definitely so CUTE!!!

Adele, Vincent & Bella

koko said...

You have my vote, Chow Hound!

Licks, hero

Kapitein Haakje said...

twix your so cute!!

you have our vote :D

El'bow & Hauwii

Mochi and Bali said...

I voted for you! :) I just love that picture! Good luck!


My Mind's Eye said...

Twix you are adorable sitting that so prim and proper!!! I took your advice Mom and I had a good talk she said she will do better.
Also drop by on Wed to check out our post I think you wil BOL.
Madi and Mom

kishiko said...

Hi Twix!
Yeah! How CUTE you are!
kiss kiss kiss

Sharon Wagner said...

I just voted for my favorite hound Twix. And I did the drawing for my giveaway. I didn't draw your name. But I'd like to send you a consulation prize of photocards. So if you would like to email me your address this time, I'll send them your way. Thanks again Twix!

Kari in Alaska said...

you are very cute! Good luck

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

Hi Twix - we were snooping around Mango Minster, and wanted to come over and say hi!. Stop by our blog someday.
Morgan & Maisie

Pippen said...


We held off checking out any blogs until after photos were posted so we wouldn't be influenced by anything other than major cuteness factor! You got our vote, hands down - not only for cuteness but also for athletic ability!

Hope you win!

Your buds,
Sam and Pippen

BRUTUS said...

OK, we are headed over to vote now!! Mom just wanted to lean up to the monitor and kiss your soft belly first!!

Brutus the Frenchie

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

looks like it is going to be a clean sweep victory! congrats! xoxox saige, guinness and groucho

Martha said...

Hi Twix
That is a great pic of you and we will keep our paws crossed!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx

Winnie and Lilly said...

Me and Lilly are headed over to vote for you now. Good luck!
Peace out,
Winnie & Lilly

Anonymous said...

We voted for you, Twix! Woowoowoo!

- Yodi

Twix, I really like your banner, so I put yours on Yodi's blog and made one too! Such a good idea!

- Yodi's mommy :)

Josie said...

Twix, so sorry I got here late! I went to go vote and saw you won all ready. Congratulations!!! My mom lost a patient and she had to go to the wake. Sorry we couldn't vote, but we'll be able to next time. Woof soon. Much LOVE!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Twix!!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! A BIG CONGRATS ... You WIN! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Congrat-chula-shuns wix! The Beaglebratz here. We wanted tu stop by tu say hi an'thank-u fer becomin' a follower. U r shure a cutie :)

chloejessica said...

Twix this photo is great! Chloe loves to sit up and beg too! :)

Lacy said...

00fs, congrats on ujr win...u is tooo cute..

b safe,