I'm so lucky to have so many furiends!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dear Twix

Dear Twix,

I remember the very first time I laid eyes on you.  I'm sure you don't remember because you were only 3 weeks old.  You were the only chocolate doxie in the litter and I fell in love with you right away.  I picked you up and held you and my heart melted.  I knew we were meant to be together because you laid in my hand and fell asleep...on your back.  It was hard for me to leave you that evening but I knew you would be my girl soon.  Three weeks later, I picked you up even though I thought it was too early for you to leave your Mom.  You cried all the way to our house and at the time I didn't know what was wrong but now I know it was because you didn't like riding in the car.

That first night in my new apartment is one I will never forget.  You woke me up in the middle of the night kneading my stomach and looking for something to eat.  And again, my heart melted.  You were quite the stubborn little girl; good thing for you that your big brother, Max, had trained me well.  You proved to me the reason doxies are known for being hard to potty break.  It didn't take me long to learn what a smart little girl you were.  You would watch me when I picked up your poop and flushed it and pretty soon you were pooping right next to the toilet....that still makes me giggle. You made it very apparent to me that you did not approve of being left in your crate while I went to work by moving that crate clear across the room while you were in it!
And when your daddy came into our lives you were not too happy about it.  You cried when we kissed and you would steal his bread and butter right off his plate.  You and he grew to love each other and became inseparable.  You became his dog and he became your daddy.  You took care of him and he took care of you.  He says it was because you two bonded while I was in the hospital.  However it happened doesn't really matter to me.  I'm glad you and he were able to find each other.  Did you know you were born on Father's Day?  I think that is very fitting knowing how much you loved your daddy. 

Then, several years ago, you got very sick with pancreatitis.  I have never seen a dog as sick as you were.  We thought we were gonna lose you back then.  We weren't sure how you'd be each day when we went to visit you at the doggie hospital but one day, finally, you showed a little excitement when we showed up and when I saw your tail wag I knew you would pull through.  Everything became very clear to me the day we got to bring you home.  As your doctor handed me your bill I said, "I'm scared to see this." and her reply was, "Teresa, I thought you were gonna have this bill and no dog to take home."  That is how sick you were, Baby Girl, even the vet thought you weren't gonna make it. 

It seems to me that illness changed you, kind of like how sometimes when people get very sick they just aren't the same person they were.  I don't mean changed you in a bad way either.  It just seemed like your health was never the same and you got sick much easier and more often.  It seems like you aged faster than normal as well.  I'm not complaining one bit, Peanut, I loved every minute we spent together. 

This past year has been a tough one, hasn't it?  I thought we were going to lose you again this past winter when you stopped eating.  Thankfully, we didn't.  You have some great blog friends that gave me some terrific ideas to get you to eat.  And then we brought your sister, Taffy, home and suddenly you became much more interested in food.  I tell everyone Taffy saved your life.  I wish she could have found a way to keep you here longer but I'm being selfish. 

I have been telling myself that I stopped helping you with your blog because life was crazy but today I realized it was because you were changing and no longer the happy girl that everyone loves.  You've had good days and bad days the past few months but Daddy and I have watched your enjoyment of life vanish along with the sparkle in your eyes.  You haven't really been present for the past several weeks and that was why Daddy and I helped you go to the bridge this morning.  I hope you understand.

I found this poem online today and it says perfectly how I think you felt this morning. 


You're giving me a special gift,
So sorrowfully endowed,
And through these last few cherished days,
Your courage makes me proud.

But really, love is knowing
When your best friend is in pain,
And understanding earthly acts
Will only be in vain.

So looking deep into your eyes,
Beyond, into your soul,
I see in you the magic, that will
Once more make me whole.

The strength that you possess,
Is why I look to you today,
To do this thing that must be done,
For it's the only way.

That strength is why I've followed you,
And chose you as my friend,
And why I've loved you all these years...
My partner 'til the end.

Please, understand just what this gift,
You're giving, means to me,
It gives me back the strength I've lost,
And all my dignity.

You take a stand on my behalf,
For that is what friends do.
And know that what you do is right,
For I believe it too.

So one last time, I breathe your scent,
And through your hand I feel,
The courage that's within you,
To now grant me this appeal.

Cut the leash that holds me here,
Dear friend, and let me run,
Once more a strong and steady dog,
My pain and struggle done.

And don't despair my passing,
For I won't be far away,
Forever here, within your heart,
And memory I'll stay.

I'll be there watching over you,
Your ever faithful friend,
And in your memories I'll run,
...a young dog once again.

In Memory of Asta, Feb. 1997
(c) Karen Clouston

I hope you know how much we love you. I hope you know we will see each other again. I hope you know that even though my heart is broken it gives me comfort to know that you are no longer trapped and unhappy. I hope you've already found your friends who have gone before you at the Rainbow Bridge and are running and playing with them.  Oh, Twix, you are my Sweet Baby Girl and always will be. I love you and miss you so very much.

All my love forever and ever,

06/20/1999 - 09/24/2011


houndstooth said...

Oh, I am so very sorry to read this! Even when you know it's the right time, it's so hard to let them go. If dogs could live forever, they'd be perfect. Please know that we're thinking of your family and you're in our thoughts and prayers!

Bunny and her mom

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Our hearts are breaking as we read this. Mom was just thinking earlier this week that we needed to check on you and see how you were. So sorry now that we didn't do that. We will miss you so much, Twix, but we know that you had the best care ever from your Mom and Dad. Run free, sweet Twix, we bet lots of our furry furiends, including our own Dakota, were there to greet and welcome you today. Soft woos and gentle hugs to your family.

Hugs and Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

*hugs* We're all thinking of you, and please holler if there's anything I can do. That last picture you have posted of her is priceless.

-Dr. Liz and Family

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

We are very sorry for your loss.

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Twix....Its hard to see such a great doggie go. You were such a grrreat furiend. We hope you are running free now. No pain and happy again!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo and Bobo

*Poodle Kisses to your mom, dad and Taffy*

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We don't know what to say but we send LOTS of hugz -

You listened to what Twix khouldn't say -

Your post is so beaWOOtiful - and I bet she's showing it off khwite proudly akhross The RB -

We KNOW they have WiFi there so the residents khan keep an eye on us!

Khyra and Phyll

How Sam Sees It said...

We are so sorry to hear about Twix. We are sending hugs to you.


Asta said...

I know you wewe loved all youw life and youw family is bwoken heawted to have to say fawewell fow a while, but you and I know it's not fuwwevew, just a while. I will miss you sweet little dawling fwiend and I hope my angel sissie Asta and angel bruvvews Nikki and Chawlie have welcomed you walong wif all youw angel fwiends wif open paws. you awe young and happy and pain fwee again and youw pawents should be comfowted by that and the knowledge that they gave you theiw gweatest love, even in the end in helping you not suffew anymowe
I will keep you in my heawt
smoochie kisses till i see you again

Pippen said...

So sorry to hear this news... our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Sam and Pippen

Peppy Sheppys said...

We have not visited you before but we saw you on DWB and wanted to share our condolences and we are glad we came to read your story. What a beautiful story. So glad that you and Twix found each other and that you could give her such a great life! Good night, sweet Twix.

Sheps w/Pep, Otis & Ed.

Sheila and Bob said...

Khyra sent us, we extend our deepest sympathy on your loss
We know how hard this is but you have done the ultimate unselfish act when you love a pet.
Twix is now in Gods Arms at the Rainbow Bridge.
Gods Speed Twix, we will look for your star.

Sheila & Bob
Hamish & Rescue Sophie

A Parting Prayer

Dear Lord, please open your gates
and call St. Francis
to come escort this beloved companion
across the Rainbow Bridge.

Assign her to a place of honor,
for she has been a faithful servant
and has always done her best to please me.

Bless the hands that send her to you,
for they are doing so in love and compassion,
freeing her from pain and suffering.

Grant me the strength not to dwell on my loss.
Help me remember the details of her life
with the love she has shown me.
And grant me the courage to honor her
by sharing those memories with others.

Let her remember me as well
and let her know that I will always love her.
And when it's my time to pass over into your paradise,
please allow her to accompany those
who will bring me home.

Thank you, Lord,
for the gift of her companionship
and for the time we've had together.

And thank you, Lord,
for granting me the strength
to give her to you now.


- © Brandy Duckworth, 1998

Ina in Alaska said...

We are very sorry to learn of Miss Twix passing- we will hold you softly in our hearts because we all know how badly your hearts hurt. Always remember all the good things about Twix- goodbye sweet angel- she waits for you at the Bridge. Hugs from Alaska, Ina & Halle, Jeter, Ginger & Toby xo

Kathleen Coy said...

Dearest Teresa,
I'm so sorry to hear of Twix's passing. I know how much she meant to you and her Daddy. Now she is at the Bridge with lots of her friends, running free and watching over all of us. Rest easy, sweet girl.

Love and hugs from me and Cloud,

Two Pitties in the City said...

We were so sad to hear this, and I can't imagine how hard this must be. We're thinking of you guys.

Sue said...

Oh no! We are so very sorry. It's so hard to say good-bye and we've had to say it much too often this year. Rest in peace, dear Twix. We are honored that we got to know you and be your friends. Say hello to all our friends and family at the bridge and tell them we love them and think of them all the time.
Morgan, Tsar and the Porties

Ziggy Stardust said...

I loved Twix, you were one of the first doggy blogs I started with and you have always been a good friend on line. Twixy will be missed and she is running free now with no pain. My thoughts and prayers are sent.

Anne and Sashy

ShellePenn said...

I remember yours was one of the first dachshund blogs I found.. I loved your family through the stories and pictures. We will miss you, Miss Twix... May you have fun playing at the rainbow bridge until your family bdsm be together again.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Twix's blog made it obvious how much the three of your loved one another. That love lives on. Thank you for sharing her with us.

Nubbin' Tails said...

We are so sorry to hear this. Letting go is the hardest thing pet parents do, but also I think the greatest gift. I had one of my dogs from they day she was born. She also had 12 years and lots of ups and downs.

Cherish your memories and allow yourself time to grieve. Non pet parents might not understand but we all do.

So sorry for your loss!


Mr. Nubbin's Mom

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! So sad to read this post. We are so sorry for your loss. Sending you Lots of Golden Thoughts. I will always remember Twix ... LOVE the surprise Halloween card he sent me last year. Will treasure it forever. Lots of Golden LOVE n Woofs, Sugar

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

We are so very sorry to see you go, but we know you are happy at the Bridge. We hope our sweet Shiloh, Trixie, and brothers Slate and Bear were there to greet you and show you the way! We know you were so very loved and will be so very missed!! You were such a great furiend! Many prayers, licks, and wags to your Mom and Dad.

Sad Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

We are so very sorry to learn that Twix has crossed the Bridge. She took a piece of your hearts with her, and left piece of hers in you. We will all miss her.

Jed & Abby

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We've been thinking so much about Twix and wondering how things were going. I'm in shock right now after reading this and so very sorry to hear this news.

Twix was one very special girl and her memory will always remain safe within the hearts of all who loved her.

(Amber's Mom)

docsdox said...

deepest condolences and most heartfelt prayers to you and your family during this difficult time. this has been a rough year for our doxie-blog friends, with Twix being the third to move on. find comfort in the knowledge that she loved you, and i'm sure she knew how much you love her too.

-docsdox / NewMama / Ramsay

Lorenza said...

I have no words to express how sad we feel right now.
Twix, you will be always in my heart.
Mom and Dad, sure it was not an easy decision, but you did the best for her.
You know how much we love you.
We are thinking of you.
Lorenza and mom

Chester said...

A wonderful tribute to a special and beautiful doggie.

R.I.P Twix and hugs to your family. ♥


Duke said...

Our hearts are absolutely breaking for you. (((((hugs)))))
Godspeed Twix.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

D.K. Wall said...

What a terrific tribute showing your deep love for Twix. She is now pain free and happy at the Bridge playing with so many that have gone before her.

Dexter said...

That was a beautiful post. Twix had so much love and was a real fighter even when she had severe illness. Run free, little girl, watch over mommy and daddy.

Mango Momma

pibble said...

What a wonderful tribute to a gorgeous little girl. You took excellent care of her - and she did the same for you. It's too difficult to let them go, but somehow, we know the time is right.

Hugs and kisses to you all - you're in our thoughts.

Elizabeth said...

Dear Twix was so much loved and such a lovely girl.
I sort of guessed things weren't too good because of the lack of blog entries.
So now she is at peace, but such a sad day for all her family and also her friends in Blogland.
Hoping happy memories overwhelm the sad ones soon.
Yours was a beautiful tribute.
Our animals bring us such joy.
Hugs from Buster and family.

Raising Addie said...

Many Tears...

Thank you very much for sharing Twix with us. She was a very special little pup that we all loved dearly.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Sending BIG hugs to you!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

ThePainterPack said...

A beautiful post and I'm sure your girl would have approved. It is wonderful that you two had so much time and love together. I am sorry it could not have been longer.

RIP sweet girl, Twix

Scooter said...

To twix, We will miss you. YOu were loved so much and you will run free and painlessly now.

To Twix's mom and dad, We are so sorry to hear about this and my heart breaks for you. These decisions are the toughest to make. Our prayers are with you and your family during this hard time and if there is anything any of us can do, please ask, we are here for you.

Diana, JAzzi and Addy

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dearest Ones, I can NOT tell you how heavy my heart is.
I have so many WONDERFUL memories of Twix. Oh how she could Put a smile on my face when she was on her chair in the sunshine. I suspect that is exactly what she is doing right NOW... somewhere over the Bridge.
Day after day I looked forward to seeing and hearing what she was up to. Usually something funny or slightly ornery.
I never open a bag of Fritos without thinking of Twix.
I am sure that you know your loving decision was the right one. You showed that loved our girl more than you love yourselves.
I hope that your cherished memories will ease your pain.
Sincerely, Frankie and Lana

HoundDogMom said...

So sorry to hear about Twix. He was very entertaining and know that he was greeted with open paws by Cleo as she went to the bridge on 9-20-11. To many fur-babies gone this year. Twix will be remembered by everyone in blogville and cherish your memories. Run Free Twix and give Cleo some kisses. Sniffs, The HoundDogs and Sherri

Baxromana said...

Hi Twix's Mom and Dad, so sorry to hear about Twix. I know that words are not going to help. All of us are keeping your family in prayer. May time mellow the pain you are both feeling and the memories of Twix shine through.

Baxter, Baxter's Mom & Dad

Stella said...

We are so sorry to hear how sick Twix was and happy to hear that you made this last final gift to her.

Our most heartfelt condolences to you and your family,

Stella, Mom and Ali Z

Unknown said...

Rest in peace, sweet Twix! I look forward to the day we meet again at the Bridge.

I will always remember you.......your blog was the first I ever read and followed, and I loved you from the start.

Love and hugs to your mom and dad.............
Minna Krebs
and momma and entire crew.

The Army of Four said...

I am so very sorry for your loss. We just NEVER have enough time with these dear friends of ours.
I know Twix has been met by Amber and Stormy - and so many others. They are playing and laughing - and just waiting for when God calls us all Home.
Many hugs to you =
Karen and the boys

Mochi and Bali said...

We are so sorry to hear about Twix.

This was such a beautiful tribute to her.

Sherri, Mochi, and Bali

koko said...

Run free, Twixie girl, run free. Til we meet again, please know that you will be missed and forever loved.

I wrote this for you.

Love always, hero

Piappies World said...

We are sorry to read about Twix. Letting go is really very difficult but in time, the thought of Twix running free and watching over you may give you some comfort.

Thank you so much for sharing her with us through this journal. We will also have happy thoughts of her and your love will always shine and inspire other here in blogville.

Really a beautiful tribute to Twix. We're always going to see her star shining bright. We're sure that she's playing with Koko, Peanut and Scrappy, too over at the rainbow bridge.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

TimberLove said...

Soft husky woooos,

RA, Isis & nanuk

Dovey said...

Dear Teresa,

I am so sorry for your loss. I had actually been thinking about Twix and wondering how things were. It seems to me Twix lead a very full and happy life. She was lucky to have a family like you, as you were to have her. I hope you are recollecting on all the good times, many of which are here on this blog. Our furry friends certainly teach us a lot about love and loss. I am sure Twix is in a happy place now. I wish the best for you, Taffy, and Twix's daddy in this tough time.

Love, Dovey

Barbara said...

I am so, so sorry for your loss. We loved Twix so. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you during this awful time.

barbara, minnie, trixie and jeep

Boondocks Love Shack Pack said...

My heart is absolutely broken for you and your loss. I hope and pray the words on my blog console and comfort your heart. I hate that we didn't meet "before" but know God works all things together for His purpose.

Boon's mom,

Rowdy and Bette said...

So sorry to hear about beautiful Twix. This post is a grand remembrance of how wonderful and loved she was. After just losing my beloved Maggie not even 2 weeks ago, I know the pain you're going through, and that words may not really help at this point. But they will. Each day gets better, and she will always be in your heart.

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Dearest Twix, the Twixerrific

We love you and will always miss you. Please remember us while you are at the Rainbow Bridge. Our mom is crying so hard- your blog was the first one that she followed and you were her first follower in turn. We will always carry you in our hearts. You and your parents are in our prayers, now and furever.

The Dachsies With Moxie- Ginger, Chip, Thai and Tasha.

Kari in Alaska said...

Goodbye sweet Twix


Martine said...

My heart is hurting for your loss. We hope Taffy is near & providing comfort during this time.

Anonymous said...

OMD I am so very, very sorry.

Your Moms letter to you was so very beautiful. I know that you are happy and young and watching over your Pawrents.

You always made Moms day when we would see your posts, you were always so very funny!

Run, nap and dig lots of ddp holes in the clouds my dear Twix!

wooos for you, Tessa

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

I am sorry for being late in seeing this but I was away, my heart is breaking for you all as Twix was such a special girl, I loved her sitting in her chair looking so pretty. She will live on not just your hearts but our too and in the worlds of her blog as well. I didn't take down Molly or Richies blog as I find it gives me comfort when I miss them to go and read a post and see all the comments their furiends made which makes it so easy to see how they were loved by everyone as Twix was and is and always will be.
This post was just a beautiful, moving, touching, loving tribute to your brave and amazing little girl.
Nothing I can say can change the pain you are going through at this time but please know you are in our thoughts, prayers and our hearts
With Much Love
Momma Tea, Ronnii, Ujio & Izzy

Cole said...

My heart breaks for you Teresa. You and Twix were one of my first bloggy furiends and reading your posts made my day. Teresa, you are an AMAZING mom. Twix and Taffy are blessed to have had you as their mom.

Twix, I wish you peace. I wish you an eternity without pain. I wish you lots of toys and treats. I wish you the companionship of all your furiends that passed before you, until you're reunited with your mom and dad.

All my love,
Cole, Meadow & Beckett

kalyxcorn said...

rest in peace, twixie girl. you will be missed..warmest of hugs to your mom & dad. :)

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Mom and me is so sorry. RIP sweet Twixie.

Blessings and Love,
Maggie Mae and mom

Shane Kent Louis said...

we're so sorry for the lost of your beloved Twixie, sending you our prayers and I know she is happy with our creator. we will miss twixie so much. she will always be remembered on blogland.

we love you twixie!
- Louis shane

It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

Wyatt said...

Our thoughts are with your family.
Run free to the bridge, Twix.

Wyatt and Stanzie

Ruby and Penny said...

We are so sorry. Hugs to you all.

Run with the wind girlfriend.

Love Ruby & Penny

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Dearest Twix,

Our hearts are breaking. Our little Twix gone but never to be forgotten. You were and still are are very special to us amd will always be in our hearts. Mommy remembers how kind you and your folks were to her when I first got my cancer and you said we would have to stick together. I wish you could have stayed forever but we understand. We will be togther at the bruidge someday and that gives me pleasure to know my little friends will be there to greet me.

With much love....Mona & Mommy

Ms. ~K said...

My heart is so heavy as I read this sad news. Twix always reminded me of my childhood Doxie! SHe will be greatly missed.
Pls know you are all in my thoughts and prayers...
Sending you a big hug,

Old Kitty said...

Me and my cat Charlie came over from Amber De Weenie's blog. We are so sorry to hear about beautiful Twix. This is such a really sweet tribute to her - thank you for sharing about her here. Take care

Patty said...

I am so so sorry for your loss. She will be missed.

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear Twix's Mom,
Madi and I are so very sorry to read about Twix. You and Twix were among our very first blogging friends. Twix made us smile and fondly remember our mini doxie Toto, RIP. Twix, with the help of her Mom, was a great hostess to several very entertaining Date nights. We shared many BOLs, MOLs and LOLs over the attire.
Run free sweet, precious Twix you were well loved and gave love...
Hugs from
Madi and Mom

Remington said...

We are so sorry to hear this....it is so sad. Please take comfort in knowing Twix is running free and playing at the Rainbow Bridge.... And Twix....until we meet again, my friend....

Bobbie said...

Words can't express my sadness for you at this time. I cry.. knowing how difficult it must be.. but on the other hand, dear Twix is no longer suffering but is finally running free. My pain is for you.. the family. My heart is with you at this sad time in your life. (((HUGS)))

rottrover said...

Oh Twix. Run free, sweetie, and watch over your family.

Sharon Wagner said...

I'm so sad to hear that your beloved Twix has passed. Pets give us such unconditional love and friendship. Take care.

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

I am so very sorry to be reading this, I feared seeing this post all this year and I can't keep from crying. Even though I didn't know Twix in person, that sweet little girl captured my heart the first day I read her blog and by following I felt as if I had really met her. She will be so missed by so many people that loved her. Teresa, she lived a wonderful, full life with you and even though it must've been the most painful decision you have had to make, Twix is now at peace and running free and happy over the Rainbow Bridge. I will always hold her memory in my heart. (((((HUGS))))))

Jans Funny Farm said...

We were sorry to read of Twix's passing on Amber da Weenie's blog. This is a beautiful tribute to Twix. Purrs and wags.

Unknown said...

im so very sorry for your loss. OUr hearts are sad and may she run pain free.
we will keep yall in our prayers.

AMY ANN said...

I am so sorry to hear about your little Twix passing. She sounds like she was a very smart and special little girl. You are in my prayers.

roughseasinthemed said...

We didnt meet before - but we send you our love and condolences. xx Katherine and Pippa

A MilShelb Mom said...

I am writing this through tears... Oh, goodness. I don't even know what to say. I am so sorry for your loss. I am so sorry she could not stay longer, but I know that it is such a hard decision and I admire you for being unselfish. I want you to know that you are in my thoughts.
~Maggie (Milly and Shelby's Mom)

Bailey Be Good! said...

Heard about Twix and wanted to stop by and drop off some woofs & hugs to you and your family! :)

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post for a beautiful girl..

hugs and puppy kisses


Unknown said...

We first met when Twix wasn't feeling well and a power of the paw was sent out. We are so sorry to hear this and know how you are feeling. Hugs.

The Daily Pip said...

I am so very sorry for your loss. Twix was a beautiful and special girl and her loss is felt across blogville.

Run free, dear Twix ...

Your pal, Pip

Amy Jo said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you lost Twix. I have two little weenies and have been following your blog for a long time and have been hoping that things were ok over the last 6 mths. Now I know Twix was struggling. Thank you so much for sharing your lives with us. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Teddy said...

What a beautifully written tribute for your sweet girl. Twix was a lucky girl to live in a household with such love. I'm sure she's with you now, watching over you.

Teddy, CC-man, T-man Angel and their mom

The Black and Tans. said...

Rest in Peace dear Twix.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Tucker said...

Oh Twix, I will forevers miss you.

woof - Tucker

Auntie Cheryl said...

I didn't know you personally but Linda of All the Dogs in My Life is a friend. She shares things like this with me through Amber's blog. So very sorry to hear about Twix - never easy - dogs are just never with us long enough. Twix was very blessed to have you and you were very blessed to have Twix. A beautiful tribute. Know that Twix is now at Rainbow Bridge and once again able to run, play and be healthy. And one day you will meet again forever. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Zona said...

Twix was such a lucky girl to have such a loving family. I'm am so sad to read this. We will all miss Twix. Mom once read this to us, it's helped me sometimes, "If you are true to the love of one you cherished through the many joy-filled years, you may find that a soul - a bit smaller in size than your own - seems to walk with you, at times, during the lonely days to come. And at moments when you least expect anything out of the ordinary to happen, you may feel something brush against your leg - very, very lightly."

Zona and Mom

Kerri said...

I'm so sorry for your family's loss. I hope Twix is having a grand time at the Bridge.

bichonpawz said...

We are very sorry to hear about Twix. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. It is so very difficult to lose such a special member of the family.

Abby said...

To Our Dear Friends...

Me & My Mom don't Blog very often anymore, but we do check in from time to time...

We were So Sorry to hear this sad news...

Twix: Run Free, My Friend...

To Your Mom & Dad: We are So Sorry for Your Loss...Please know Our Thoughts & Prayers are with you...

Much Love,
Abby & Her Mom xxxxxxoooooo

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dear ONES... I just came back after seeing Taffy's comments on Both Zona's and my blog.
The furst thingy I saw was that you had 87 comments.. this will be 88. When I saw that 87 I was just thrilled. It was like a SIGN from my furend Twix. SIGH.
I am soooooo glad that you are gonna start to post Taffy. I just KNOW that you will Spice Up Blogville. I can't wait to see and hear your antics. It makes me very much Happy. Your furend, Frankie Furter

Anonymous said...

OH my sweet twix... you were the bestest furiend a puggle could have you sent me cards in the mail and gave me my very first award for my bloggy...we will miss you dearly my furiend i hope you look for me when i come up....it may be awile but know i always love you twix my bestest furiend.....

to twix's mommy : i am soo sorry for your loss my mommy knows what you are going through she hates to even think about the day i will leave her, she was crying as we were reading twixs bloggy this morning knowing that someday that will be her....we will pray for you and your loss...

wags and licks

Oskar said...

Blogville will never be the same, but I guess we'll have a beautiful bright star. We are so sorry about Twix's passing.

Oskar & Pam

Maxmom said...

I am so sorry to hear this news. Twix was always a breath of fresh air here in blogland. I am going to miss her. My heart goes out to you, knowing how difficult these times are.
Sending lotsaluv and warm thoughts from all of us in SA.
Fly free, sweet Twix.

kishiko said...

Oh Twix, my mom can not stop tearing...
We loved you too.

Martha said...

We are so very sorry to read this post.
Rest in peace dear Twix.
Much love
Martha, Bailey and Mum xxxxx

Shawn said...

Beautiful, heartfelt tribute to you little girl.

Scout and Freyja said...

Pancreatitis is a miserable, miserable disease. I lost my Starr at the tender age of three to that rotten malady.

Sweet Twix, you are a bright star in the heavens now. You are twinkling down on your momma and dadda and I'm sure that when they complete their Circle of Life, you will greet them with much enthusiasm.

" Mickey " said...

so sorry for your loss :(
RIP Twix..

Adri and Mickey..

Ruby's Raiser said...


Every post you've written about your precious girl is like a love letter, and none more so than this one. My thoughts are with you and my tears as well.

What a beautiful life your Twix had with her mom and dad. She will be so missed, but her love and spirit will continue to thrive in your heart and in the hearts of every one of us that she's touched.

Sending you so much love and big hugs,

K9 Katastrophie said...

Twix, my heart is broken that we don't have you physically here. But I am comforted to know that you will be here in spirit. I miss you, too.

I love you,

Pee.s. please say hello to our Sophie at the Rainbow Bridge.

Anonymous said...

Your letter made me cry. I know how hard these things are and how your heart aches. I am so sorry for your loss.

the booker man said...

i'm so sorry to hear about twix's passing. she was such a sweet girl, and visiting her blog always put a smile on my face. my heart aches for you. run free, angel twix. you will always be in your mama and daddy's hearts.

*many hugs*
the booker man and asa's mama

Cocorue said...

dear Teresa,

we are so sad and so sorry that we just read this. so sorry that we have not been checking up on our furiends.

my heart aches for you as i know how much Twix means to you and your family.

we love Twix and she has a special place in our hearts. dear Twixie, run free and we will see you someday.

our love and hugs Twixie
coco, tiffy and lilian

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Our hearts go out for Twix and your loving family.
What a touching tribute to Twix. Our tears rolled down as we reading the post. Twix, we can feel how much your Mom loved you. You'll be missed.
Mango, Chubs, and Ximui

Suka said...

I just read about your loss of sweet, beautiful Twix on Hero's blog. I am so sorry and send my deepest, heartfelt condolences to you. I am sorry I did not know your lovely Twix. Your tribute to her is so wonderful and touching, she was obviously loved deeply and will be missed greatly. Rest in Peace, sweet Twix.


K and Suka

Unknown said...

We were away for a very long time, but little did we imagine that on returning wewould get this news....We are so so very sorry...Lil Twix was somepuppy we had grown to love, grown to worry about, pray for...
Though it breaks our hearts to know she is gone, we find peace in the thought that she is no longer in pain. Those liquid eyes are smiling again...she is once more her happy spirited self...we will always remember u , Twix

Prayers for all those who u have left behind,
Ginger, Buddy, Shadow n Mummy too

DoMoFi said...

Rip trix ....