Oh. My. Dog.
We had the best time ever! Let's start with Friday morning.....
Air Fiona zoomed all around the world picking each of us up and taking us to Sedona's house.

We all hung out at Sedona's for the day. We stayed quite busy gossiping, sunbathing, and getting ready for our evening.
We also took a few lessons from Khyra on proper paw placement and smiling so we could flirt properly.

Then our Limo showed up.......

A pink fire engine!
Look out boys! It's gettin hot in here!
Look out boys! It's gettin hot in here!
Bailey and Sasha took turns driving while Fiona gave directions.

We drove all around New York City and we used the lights, horn, and siren. We were all hanging out the windows sniffing the wonderful NYC smells, letting the breeze flap our jowls and ears, and barking and howling at the hot guys leaving pee mails for us. We knew right away when we got to our destination....
We hopped out of our Limo and started to go straight in but the Puparazi was there and we had to pose for photos first.

Once we got inside, several of us wanted to get out of those duds and put on something that was more comfy to party in.
Brownie put on her "Lets Party" bandanna, Madi changed into her grey and white dress with her lovely white pumps, Star jumped into her ballerina outfit, and I put on my little black dress.

Lorenza told me she didn't have a party dress (?) so she wore her Toga, Sedona wore her "Get Down" bananna, Sadie was practicing her flirting technique in her slicker, and Lillibell jumped into her pink party dress.

Mochi put on her "Gilligan" hat (I guess shes trying to catch a sailor), Chloe slipped into a pair of heart sunglasses to protect her identity, Bijou donned this gorgeous party dress, and Coco came in as a biker chic with her denim vest.

We were quite hungry by this time and we started asking around for food. Look what Carleigh had in her bag to share!

Sedona had some Frosty Paws hidden but once she started eating them our noses kicked in and we found her stash. She reluctantly shared after that.

Once we were done eating it was time to dance!
The Pup Club always has a live band on Friday nights....
The Krazy Kat Krew
The Pup Club always has a live band on Friday nights....
The Krazy Kat Krew
Once the band started, Sasha was the first one on the dance floor waiting for the rest of us to join her.

Carleigh and Lilly had not been to a dance before and didn't know what to do once they got out on the dance floor.

They caught on quickly once Star got out there and started shaking her booty!

Bijou and Penny were gossiping and wondering what the heck.....

....is Lilly looking at?
Lilly says, "Hey, Bijou and Penny, come over here"!

"Look out this window, do you see what I see?"
Penny: "You talking about those hot dawgs out there?"
Penny: "You talking about those hot dawgs out there?"
Bijou: "Whoa! Hot and spicy! I think that might be the headlining band."
The doors whooshed open and in came....
Frankie, Phantom, Thunder, Buster, Rocky, and Baxter
There had been some chatter (see previous post's comments) from a few of the boys wanting to join us but we told them it was LADIES night. They devised a plan to crash the party and a great plan it was!
There had been some chatter (see previous post's comments) from a few of the boys wanting to join us but we told them it was LADIES night. They devised a plan to crash the party and a great plan it was!
Brownie, Chloe, Ruby, Abby, and Tinkerbell could not hide their excitment!

Once the Village Dawgs started to perform things went crazy!
I had to get some smelling treats to bring Martha back from swooning.

Star started groovin' like nobody's business!

Lorenza threw off her Toga and started break dancing....
....and Fiona thought she would give it a try.
Don't tell her but I don't think she was as good as Lorenza.
Don't tell her but I don't think she was as good as Lorenza.
Chloe even started dancing with a cat!
Sadie flipped her ears back trying to get the attention of a guy at the fire hydrant. Coco, well she was being Coco....flirting like crazy. Lillibell knows she is beautiful so she didn't feel the need to flirt and Martha was using her smoldering eyes to attract the drummer for the band.

Madi felt like she had seen enough and went upstairs to read a good book.

Little did she know that Bailey was up there doing a comedy act. Lorenza was laughing her tail off and Khyra was rolling on the floor with laughter!

Its getting pretty late and I had to gather the girls up and head back to Sedona's before I fell asleep standing up.

True to K9 form, once we got back to Sedona's we found a comfy place and passed out.
Sasha and Madi didn't even have enough energy to get off the floor, Brownie and Coco found some fluffy pillows, Sadie konked out on her Wubba, Lillibell actually made it to a bed, and Penny and Ruby cuddled up together and drifted off to dream of The Village Dawgs.
Sasha and Madi didn't even have enough energy to get off the floor, Brownie and Coco found some fluffy pillows, Sadie konked out on her Wubba, Lillibell actually made it to a bed, and Penny and Ruby cuddled up together and drifted off to dream of The Village Dawgs.

But the most impressive thing of the whole evening was Mochi being so happy that she fell asleep on the CEILING!? I think she may have found a boyfuriend.
Sedona was so upset Saturday morning as we all left she kept calling us back over the brick wall. Then she went inside and was so depressed she tried to hide under the stove.

I hope everyone had as much fun as I did. We are definitely gonna have to do that again....with dates next time?
Edit: I don't understand why you can't enlarge any of the photos. I was hoping you would be able to bigify the collages to get a better view....sorry. Maybe someday I will figure that out.
Hi Twix, well we had a great night - our mum has just laughed all the way through that post and will have to go back and read it again!
What a lot of work you put in to organising it all!
Those Village Dawgs!!!!! Talk about hot - is it any wonder Martha swooned!!!
Well done Twix - we really must do that again!
love you lots
Martha & Bailey xxxx
LMAOROTF x 1000s......you are the BESTest Twix...mumster is really laughing her @#$ off and rolling on the floor and wetting the floor too......
and you managed to make mumster run at least 3 times to the toilet bowl looking for your spiked concoction BOL........
i just can't thank you enough for ALL the hard work organising this event, getting us that PINK fire engine ride, photographing and reporting on the event........all that hard work and ensuring we arrived home safely...
MUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAHZ for putting up with such a handful of hotdawgs....eh you know what i mean
chikisses and TQ for such an enjoyable time
OMD Twix what a night we had. My dogs are barking. I am a little dizzy and sick, what was that in the toilet water anyway? You and Sedona really know how to throw a party. I will never forget this night as long as I live. I can still hear the music. Oh dear I need to lay down, the room is spinning. That eu de toilet was so delicious. Thanks for letting me drive.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
p.s. Seriously you outdid yourself!! I have gone through it twice and am still finding new things to look at. Great job and thank you for including Sasha. Anne
Hi Party Dawgs! I stopped by on the suggestion from Martha and Bailey. Wheeeeeeeeee-wheeeeeeeee! You dawgs sure know how to
par-tay! I had a great time and I was not even there. I hope the hang-overs were not too bad.
A great post with great pictures-it still has me chucklin'
Chester ;0=)
Hi, Twix...
OMdoG...What a fun time we had...
My Mom grounded me after she saw my outfit in that pupperazzi picture, but it was well worth it...
Thanks for a Great Time...
Sorry my RSVP was sooo late, but I blame that on my secretary...
Abby xxxooo
Hi Mom and Twix!!! I am ROFLOL!!! GREAT absolutely GREAT POST. Your Mom is hilarious. Madi is still passed out on the floor but she did manage to tell me what a Cat-astropically good time she had on Friday. She said the company was fantastic. It was her first mixed (dog/cat) outing. She said everyone had a great time and That Twix is an excellent Hostess. A great big thank you for renting the pink fire truck too!!!!!
thanks again for the invite. We hope you and Mom are resting up too,
Madi and Mom
Dear Twix and Mommy,
I'm sure I was there, but the last thing I remember, I was standing on Sedona's shoulders trying to get a drink, and fell plum into the toilet bowl! After that, it's all a blurr.
So I want to thank your mommy for recaping the party, otherwise, I would have missed the whole thing! My mommy fell off her chair laughing hysterically and nearly broke her nose again!
Those Vilage Dawgs were hot, hot, hot! I think I need a cold bath!
Even though we girls are lap dawgs, I told mommy that there was ABSOLUTELY NO LAP DANCING going on! She said judging by our outfits, she's not sure about that?
Well Twix, That was the best party I have ever been to in my life! You are a great Party Organizer and I think you should start your own business as a Pary Planner.
I can't wait for the next Girl's Night Out"!
"JOSE CUERVO, you are a frend of mine"!
Luv, Star.
This was such a cute and clever post. I am still on the floor laughing! Thanks so much for all your hard work!
Star's mommy.
Hi Twix,
Thanks so much for hosting a terrific pawtay!! I had a great time seeing all the girls and meeting the Village Dawgs was a dream come true! Now I just need to get rid of this screaming headache.
Hi Twix!
Boy I'm I glad you told us what happen on Friday night, Sadie wouldn't tell us what you guys did.
All she would say is that " She had greeaaaat time!"and then went to bed and is still sleeping it off. She did say " the water in the toilet was the best she has ever had."
Sadie did say to tell you " Thanks for the best night out she has had ever."
Wow!! Twix!! What a blast!! Lilly is still tingling all over from that full body waxing!! And true to form, Carrleigh kept her eye on the treats all night. And what a treat - those Village Dawgs - made the girls swoon just a bit!! We're going back to bed and rest with some cucumbers over our eyes to make the puffiness go away - what was in that toilet bowl?
Thanks for hosting us.
Lilly and Carrleigh
I'm so jealous! You were so close to me in NYC and I didn't even know! Hopefully next time I can join in the fun!
Glad you all had such a great time!
OMD Village Dawgs and... the spiked toilet bowl... What a Huge HOWL you gave me. I am still wagging. This is the VERY VERY VERY BEST blog post I have EVER seen!!!!
DATES for the next night out??? Will it be a Sadie Dawgins Day thing or will we fellas have to do the asking? Can NOT wait for it.
Congrats on such a super post!!!
What happens in NYC, stays in NYC!
Hi Twix,
That was one hell of a ladies night you got there... pink fire engine and all the hot stuff! Phew... I guess everyone is having a hangover for the next couple of days.
Licks, hero
Stormy and I are so sorry we couldn't make it! It sure looks like you all had a lovely time. I had to stay here and perform my meteorology duties.
Looks like everyone had a blast!
What fun for you all.
In my next life I will be a girl
love from Buster
Hi, Twix!
I told my mom about all the fun we had together and she could not believe it until she saw your post! And she is envy because she does not have friends to do that!
It was pawesome!
Thanks a lot!
Kisses and hugs
Twix and Mom
Madi and I have dedicated today's post to you two...please be sure to read it.
Madi and Mom
I was SOOOOO happy Mom had that early transport so I khould sleep sleep sleep!
We are such PAWTY ANIMALS!
Tank woo evfurryone fur such a great night!
PeeEssWoo: My mom says khudos to your mom fur such great pikhs!!!
Looks like you all had a blast! Great pictures!
Twix, these two Village Dawgs had a fantastic time - what a great bunch of gals we had to hang with. It was a blast, when can we do this again?
Woos, Phantom and TD
Pee Ess, Mom says you did an awesome job with the post.
Wha....? Who....?? Where...???? Oh yes, it's all coming back to me slowly...my mouth feels like it's full of cotton and the room won't stop spinning...Fiona, next time you gotta put the *good* stuff in the toliet bowl, I can't handle anything but top shelf! Twixie my darling, you outdid yourself. I knew you were the hostess with the mostest but that night was OFF. THE. HOOK. The wheels, the venue, the threads, the hotties, and of course the guest list. You sure know how to throw a paw-tay. But next time, we can't come back to my place. My human found some leopard print thongs and empties and I told her they belonged to my human dad. She believed the part about the empties but I don't think she bought the thong...it wasn't his size. Oh my aching head...I gotta crawl back under the stove right now and sleep this one off. We'll chat later and start planning for our couples night out. You're the best, Twix!
Great party!! I hope you're all recovering!
OMD, that was so much fun! :) Your mom did such a great jobs with the pics! :) Thank you for inviting us!!!
Hi Twix!
We want to say thanks again for girls night out, and ask you to come by our blog tomorrow and share our new award.
Heehee! I KNEW there was a reason that I could only remember part of the night. Once I spiked the toilets, well... it all got a little hazy!!! (Good thing I didn't have to fly until the next day!) But a FANTASTIC night out!!! Thanks so much for hosting! (And for letting me drive the fire truck!!!) Next time I'll bring my party dress and work on my dance moves some more!
Thanks again for the pawsome party!
*kissey face*
-Fiona, who needs to go pass out after a weekend of excitement (and tequila!)
I had so much fun sneaking out for Ladies night!! Don't tell mom! I can't believe I wore that! Can't wait to do it again! Thanks for inviting me to the partay!
Lots of tail wags!
Madi told me to tune in here and what a fun time y'all had!! Amazing story and photos to go along with it! Twix, your mom is SO CREATIVE!! ROFL!!
Thanks for sharing!
(the golden)
what a great job! it must have taken you forever!
WOW, dat is one crazy night, it looks like you gals had a great time!
It looks like you ladies had a wonderful time on your Ladies Night Out! I am so bummed that I missed it, but I simply couldn't leave the Momma in her time of need. Maybe next time.
Chihuahua kisses,
oh my dog... I woke up this morning with a splitting headache... and then I recalled that the toilet bowl was spiked... Twix, thank you for keeping all my crazy embarrasing behavior a secret... I'm furever grateful to you!
I had a ton of fun... I can tell I had a ton of fun from the WONDERFUL photos! I vaguely remember the boys dancing fur us. Yummy boys!!!
Thanks for organizing the pawty for us, Twix, it was FAB!!!
Hi Twie! I am so sorry I missed your gala1 It was really hilarious reading about all the fun! Hopefuly I can attendthe next one!
Hugs & kisses xoxo
ps... my auntie's cancer came back after 28 years. Mom has been very busy with her and trying to make the bad c go away. But it's all over her chest. Mom goes for her liver biopsy within the next couple of weeks...... bark im sad..... but thank you for your loving concern!! lots of licks to your mom!
OMD, I had such a good time, I was so glad that I could make it after my operation!! My Mom just loved this post (she was laughing hysterically) and was glad to read that I behaved like the princess that I am! I loved partying with everyone and can't wait to do it again! Thank you so much guys for a good time!!
Chi kisses, Lilibell
My momster is not having a good day today, so she came back to read this post because it makes her laugh (x100!!!) Thank you again for organizing this super pawty.. you sure are the hostess with the most-est!
Hi Twix
We had the best time hanging out and pawtying. Mom can't believe how HOT all us girls are. You and Sedona throw the best pawties. We can't wait to do it again.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - great job mom, awesome post.
OMD!!! OMD!! What an awesome post and soooooo much work put into it. Bravo!!!
Lots of treats,
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
(Mom too!)
Just now had a chance to really look at your girl's night out. This was a great post! I know you probably spent HOURS on that photoshopping. Kudos!
That was great!
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