I'm so lucky to have so many furiends!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

I've Got Mail!

I received a package in the mail earlier this week.

It was from my new furiend Wrigs at Life with Wrigs!
After the package was opened, I gave it a quick sniff.

Momma held it open for me and 
I stuck my head all the way in to see what I got. 

I got a book! 
What am I supposed to do with a book?
I don't know how to read.

I guess I could give it a quick bite!
*No books were harmed in the making of this post*

Momma couldn't sleep last night and
read the entire book at about 2 a.m.
She said she will be sharing this with some dog loving
co-workers so they can enjoy it too.
Thank you Susan and Wrigs for passing on your book,
Angelo's Journey.
This was a fictional representation of the journey Angelo took trying to get back to his home in Colorado after he was stolen and driven to Texas.  Mom found it to be an enjoyable, quick and easy book to read.
We appreciate it your willingness to share!  


Dachshund Nola said...

Pressies are so fun!

Millie and Walter said...

That sounds like a scary story, but with a happy ending.

Millie & Walter

KB said...

What fun! We got a book from Wrigs too but we can't read as fast as you can!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh how fun! We know Wrigs too!
And we heard about the books!

Life with Wrigs said...

Oh, Taffy! Wrigs is scolding me now for neglecting to enclose something special just for you! Once we are finished with our "jail time," we'll see if we can remedy that! Glad your momma enjoyed it, though. :-)

Susan and Wrigs

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
G'day Taffy - am commenting for OZ now and was delighted to find your post here today. Mail is always welcome - you missed the point a bit here though dear dog - you ought to have got mum to read it to you!!!

Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Duke said...

What a scary thing to have happen! We hope the story has a happy ending!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Aren't Pressies just WONDERFUL. It means that you are LOVED.
We have our mom read books to us. She just LOVES IT.

Murphy said...

How wonderful of them to send a book that you and your momma could share in the quiet hours!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Sue said...

Our Mom reads to us sometimes though we don't always understand the plot.
Morgan, Sebastian, the Porties, Syd and Mac

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Sounds like a good read. Maybe the other readers will give it back after they've all read it, so you can have a good chew.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Wow!! That's great. Mommy said she'd like to read that book.
Did you get to chew the bag?
I would have.

Hope your team won again. The stinking Texans lost AGAIN.

Daisy said...

Mmmmm, Taffy, sometimes the packaging is more delicious than what's inside! I love a good dog story (especially the happy ending ones). I hope everyone gets a good night's sleep tonight!

Kari in Alaska said...

Enjoy your book!

Stop on by for a visit

My Mind's Eye said...


KB said...

I wanted to answer your question about Shyla but I can't do it on my blog. It's a sensitive issue because her former owner often reads my blog. But, the story is that Shyla spent the 1st 9 months of her life in a crate. She didn't get socialization or life experience in those critical first few months of life. Because she's a sensitive dog, she didn't bounce back from this deficit easily. I don't think that she'll ever be entirely normal - she'll always be more prone to fear of the world than a dog who was socialized as a youngster. However, she's come a very very long way, and I love her!

Like I said, I can't talk about this on my blog (and I usually don't even do it on others' blogs but I couldn't find your email address). Things were ugly with the former owner for the first couple of months that I had Shyla when I blogged honestly about how fearful Shyla was when she first arrived. I'm so glad that I can now honestly write posts about how far she's come!

Ruby said...

OMD!!! That is so PAWSOME!!!
Wrigs is one cool dude, and I bets it smelled amazin'!!
Pressies are soooo funs!!
Ruby ♥☺

Wyatt said...

Sounds like a good "rainy day" book and we have lots of rainy days ahead!
Getting mail is pawesome :D


haopee said...

It must have been pretty interesting if your mom got to read it at 2 am.