First of all, I have to apologize for my Date Day Post not being up sooner. For some dumb reason, my mom thinks there are other things more important than my blog.
Sarge's Blogville Date Day

I am so excited about today's dates. My first kitty friend, Madi, had the fantastic idea for her and I to have Date Cards. Some of the guys are taking both Madi and I out and others are having private dates with us.
Some of you may be wondering how in the Blogville World am I gonna be able to do all this during Date Day. Well, I have access to a very special Blogville Time Warp. I enter on one side and walk out the other and it is still Blogville Date Day only its morning again!
Nifty, huh?
First up is my date with Spooky! OMC! Isn't he the most handsome kitty with his grey and white furs and that hat!!!
And Spooky brought his brother, Adam, to pick up Madi and I. Those gold eyes and the black top hat made my legs weak!
I sorta felt out of place at first, you know, being the only dog on the date but the boys made me feel so comfortable.....I almost started meowing. We went to dinner at the brand new Restaurant De Blogville. Look at our view of the city from our table.
It was so romantic!
They also took Madi and I to The Dog and Cat Comedy Club where the boys got up on stage and did their own comedy act! I laughed until I snorted!
We went back home and I went straight to my time warp for my next date with Stanley.
Now, I heard a rumor that Stanley was worried he wouldn't be sophisticated enough for me and that he is quite taken with my pink toe nails. Look at that smile! How could a guy with a smile like that not be sophisticated enough for me?
So, Stanley took me on a Double Doodle Date Day with his brother, Murphy, and Murphy's girl, Riley. You ABSOLUTELY have to go visit their blog and see all the action from the date.
First of all he told me there would be a surprise for him to come and pick me up in Kansas City so I waited patiently for him to show up.
We had an exciting high adventure date but I don't want to give away the details here. You will have to visit them to find out all the news.
Back home again and into the time warp for my date with Walter.
Walter is a very handsome boy.
He is rather young though so his sister Millie came along to chaperone us.
Walter and I soon realized that we both love to eat so we went out to dinner at a buffet.
Look at all that scrumptious food!
I was so stuffed that I got wedged between the cushions on the couch and couldn't get out!
Walter was such a gentleman. He didn't laugh at me or make fun of me. He is quite mature for his age. He held out his paw and helped me up and then took me on a romantic walk to work off some of that food.

Once I was able to fit into my time warp again, I headed home for my next date with Ranger. He is a confirmed bachelor and what Momma calls a "silver tongued devil". He is dangerous because of his good looks and he always knows what to say and do to make the ladies swoon.
Just looking into those eyes makes my tail curl!
Ranger picked me up in a limo and then had a very special night planned. Smudge, his brother, and Madi went with us for a double date. He had a beautiful wrist corsage for me. Then we went to Chez Chat-et-Chien and had Niptinis and Liverhattans. I think the maitre d' was supposed to show us to a nice table but for some reason this guy was our escort:

I'm not sure what happened here but Ranger seemed a bit ticked at Smudge after we got to the table. After dinner Ranger and I listened to Yo Yo Ma play the violin and watched the other couple cut a rug. Then we went to Blogville Lake and Ranger had set up the perfect private fireworks show.
Back home again for a much needed nap.
What a day...t! All those guys and so much to do. Everywhere there was a spread of delectable foodables. It's a wonder you can even move.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy
We were impressed that your nails match your tongue...very chic.
Hey Taffy!
Wow, it's so wonderful that you have 5 great guys to woo you today! That's a gorgeous view from your table and I think anyone who can make you laugh till you snort is a great match. Oh, laughter is important for a great time so the comedy club is a perfect idea. I bet that buffet was delish. Only a super date would arrange for your name in fireworks! I'm so glad you had such wonderful guys to escort you today and you look gorgeous with that matching polish!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Furiend
Stanley has not stopped talking about you Taffy! We had great fun and will have to do it again sometime.
Your Pals,
Murphy and Stanley
Oh my goodness Taffy - you are so popular! It sounds like you had an absolutely fabulous day, and now you need a good looooong nap! What a lucky girl you are!
Hi Miss Taffy,
That was such a lovely date. I want to thank you for accepting a date from such a young man. I was on my best behavior as you noted. We sure ate a lot of great food and I really enjoyed our walk afterward. Thanks again for being my date.
Yours truly,
Oh Taffy!!! You are one lucky girl! All those dates and the time warp thing really made it all work out great! You know how to pick 'em!
Great guys!
MOL mol MOL Taffy
Thank goodness to is Sun-day. INOUR need to rest.
Bravo bravo you lady thanks to blogville time were hopping all over the place.
Great post and it was such fun to double date w you
Madi your bfff
Taffy you may be a bit New to Blogville, BUTT you have certainly set the Social Scene Awhirl. What a FANGTASTIC Date Day/Night you did have. Don't know HOW you will ever top this one!
Hari OM
Oh yes I love that old blogville time warp thingo...
Taffy darling you are just gorgeous and to imagine you got all these wonderful dates in one day! I do think a man who can make you COL (cackle out loud) is a keeper - I COL too, but don't look half as pretty as you do in that photo!
Parachuting on a first date may have been a bit advanced, but clearly you have the spirit of adventure also - so why not??!!
What a great day and thanks for sharing it with us. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
OMD!! Taffy,you sure had one heck of a night gurl!!!! Wows, all those dudes swoonin' all over yous!! I thinks everyone had a pawsome time fursure!!!
Ruby ♥☺
What fun dates! Some of the pictures on your blog turned out a bit blurry. I think you had a very busy day. Go you!
Sally Ann
Dearest Miss Taffy,
Tis I. Ranger. First, I wish to express my sincere appreciation that you accepted my offer to escort you last evening. You were so lovely and enchanting and I very much enjoyed the time we spent together. However, I wish to apologize for the...ahem...clownish fellow who showed up in the middle of our date. That was certainly NOT my idea. My brother has rather different ideas than I do what constitutes an appropriate way to entertain a lady. I can assure you that Smudge (and his bizarre ideas of "fun") shall NOT accompany us should we ever step out on the town again.
May your dreams be sweet, dear Taffy.
As ever,
Huzzy and whikhked always works!
Khyra and Whitney
Our darling Miss Taffy, we want you to know we had so much fun on our date. You really know how to enjoy life and have fun.
Spooky and Adam
PS, our internet got fixed late on Saturday but then our pawrents discovered the storm had also damaged two of the computers. They worked on it almost all day Sunday.
OMD what a wonderful date, wez all behind the gremlins ate our interweb xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
Wow Taffy!! What a fantastic time you had. We missed everything because our "Innernut" was broken for awhile. Angel Weenie did come down form the bridge and take his Amber on a date.
♥♥♥Mona & Prissy
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