I love the memories this post brings back. I have never been as excited about a gift as I was for this one. The gift Twix and I gave her Daddy was extra special and something that can never be replaced. When I first thought about this gift, I talked to my mom about it. I mentioned to her that it seemed a lot to spend. She looked at me and said, "Teresa, you and Fonso will cherish this for the rest of your life". I am so glad she said that to me. I don't know that I could have went forward without her making me think outside the cost. Thanks, Mom! It is, by far, well worth every penny that was spent on it.
Today's Flashback was originally posted on January 1, 2010.
My Christmas Part 1
Our family celebrates Christmas on Christmas Eve every year. Everyone (except me) went over to David and Shannon's again. As you know I wasn't feeling too good and there is a beast dog at their house so I stayed home. This is gonna be a long post because Momma took a butt-load of pictures.....and she has a BIG butt!
Today's Flashback was originally posted on January 1, 2010.
My Christmas Part 1
Our family celebrates Christmas on Christmas Eve every year. Everyone (except me) went over to David and Shannon's again. As you know I wasn't feeling too good and there is a beast dog at their house so I stayed home. This is gonna be a long post because Momma took a butt-load of pictures.....and she has a BIG butt!
Here are some photos of Kayla opening ONE of her gifts!
At last! She finds something in here besides another box!
What? Another box! And a pizza box even! Maybe there is some pizza in there she can share with me.
I think all that work was worth it....
after all, she did get a pink Nintendo DS.
By the way, her Dad decided to torture her like that.
Here are some random photos taken Christmas Eve.
And another collage of some of the animals that got to attend. Yes, I know my Daddy is in these photos.
If you didn't go visit Cloud when I asked you to a couple weeks ago then you don't know what Mom and I got Daddy for Christmas. I hope you enjoy the surprise!
But before you get to see that, I wanted to tell you that Mom told Dad several times that he was gonna love his gift and she couldn't wait for him to open it. She told him this was the best gift she has ever given him. Well, ever since Mom and Dad have known each other, he has wanted a Brett Farve GB jersey. So, naturally, he thought that was going to be his gift. Seriously!
And the box was even the right size for a jersey.
And the box was even the right size for a jersey.
So, he opens the box and inside was something wrapped in bubble wrap. The bubble wrap was removed and Dad was looking at the back of his gift
(we had the front covered to protect it).
He looks a bit confused here.
There we go! Big smile that we were waiting for but he isn't quite sure what he is holding
It sunk in pretty quick....he said, "Hey, this is Twix!"
Duh, Dad!
Here he is showing everyone the detail on my collar and fur.
Cloud's Mom does great work, doesn't she?
Here he is, just admiring my beauty.
Dad is showing Griffin his pride and joy....ME!
See, Griffin, bigger isn't always better.
I got my custom painted portrait hung in a place of honor.....right in the middle of Daddy's family picture wall.
Here is the scanned image of the painting. It is much better than the flash photos Mom took. And, let me tell you, it is sooooo much better in person.
I took this from Kathleen's blog and hope I am not violating any laws by posting it here. Please let me know if I am.
If you click on the link to her blog it will take you to the page that shows the progression of the painting if you would like to see it.

Kathleen did a wonderful job on my painting (of course she had such a good subject to work with!). It is very apparent that she did this with love and the understanding of how important the bond is that I share with my humans.
Thank you so much, Kathleen. God has given you a tremendous gift and we appreciate your willingness to share it with us.
Great present. We can see Daddy loves it!
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
OH MY GOSH! I remembers dis!!!! You can tells by your dad's look in da fotos how much he adored and loved Twix. I loves da one where he is just sittin and starrin' at do paintin'...makes my heart flutter.
Twix was definitely one in a million.
Taffy, what a great gift! Love the photos!
Mommy's eyes are leaking again. That close up of Twix is break taking.
We remember this post well and the love on Twix's Daddy's face.
That painting is amazing and a gift that will be forever cherished...
Hari OM
OMD, that is one beautiful painting!!! A furever gift of real value beyond its $$$. Twix was clearly loved without measure. That makes this family a treasure... and now Taffy is feeling that love. Makes me all warm and fuzzy. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
Wow, that is a wonderful painting! We are always impressed that people can draw/paint so well. Our mom can't even draw a stick figure!
Your Pals,
Murphy and your Manley Stanley
OMD OMD OMD... WE SO remember this post... it MADE our Christmas just seeing how DELIGHTED Mr. A. was... It TRULY is on of my ALL TIME FAVORITE POSTS EVER.
THANK you fur sharing this Precious Memory with US..again. Sincerely!!!!
The painting is just beautiful. And we bet your Mom has never ever regretted the green papers it cost to bring that joy to your Daddy. He so loved Twix.
Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning
I just love this painting!! I remember when Cloud's Mama painted it!!
Dory (Jakey, Arty & Bilbo too)
Every time we visit your blog, we see this fabulous painting of Twix on your sidebar, Taffy! Paintings are forever gifts and Kathleen did a beautiful job!
Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly
lovely memories!
What a great present!
~Milly and Shelby
That is the best Christmas present! I can see why your Dad loves it!!!
So, my peep and I were watching Anchorman and the dog on there, Baxter, has furs a lot like yours. You know we love your furs in this house, but now you look like a celebrity!
Better than a football jersey for sure!
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