As many of you have suspected,
there is a new dog at my house......
there is a new dog at my house......
This is Lover Dog.
Daddy bought him just for Momma.
Isn't he cute?
Daddy bought him just for Momma.
Isn't he cute?
Ok, I'll stop yankin your leash.....
This is Taffy.
She is the one seen in my Wordless Wednesday post snuggling with my daddy. Apparently, Mom and Dad went to the vet to meet her one night after work last week.
Nobody even asked me how I felt about this.
They just went and picked her up on their way home from work Friday night. I bet you're wondering what my reaction was when I found out, aren't you?
Nobody even asked me how I felt about this.
They just went and picked her up on their way home from work Friday night. I bet you're wondering what my reaction was when I found out, aren't you?
Momma and Daddy had told Dr. Abby that they were interested in a wire-hair doxie if one ever comes up for adoption thru Hard Luck Hounds.
A couple of weeks ago, Dr. Abby sent an email asking if they would be interested in a female wire hair that has been in a breeding facility. Momma had been secretly hoping to rescue a dog that had been at a puppy mill. Momma said she knew right away this was gonna be the right dog for us.
And, next thing I know I have a new sibling.
A couple of weeks ago, Dr. Abby sent an email asking if they would be interested in a female wire hair that has been in a breeding facility. Momma had been secretly hoping to rescue a dog that had been at a puppy mill. Momma said she knew right away this was gonna be the right dog for us.
And, next thing I know I have a new sibling.
Taffy has never had a name before,
she was only a number.
she was only a number.
She is 3 years old and doesn't know how to play.
Her 3 years have been spent in confinement
making as many puppies as possible.
Her 3 years have been spent in confinement
making as many puppies as possible.
She has never even had someone spend enough time with her to potty train her or teach her any sort of manners.
She has never been on a leash before and it is obvious that she has never worn a collar before either.
Her teeth look like they belong to a dog at least twice her age. (She has to get them cleaned soon.)
She is a very sweet girl and loves to be loved.

She is also camera shy and these are the only photos Momma has been able to get so far.
As you guys know, we have lots going on here already as we are preparing for Grandma's transplant. Momma has been working with Aunt Shannon and Grandpa to get the house cleaned and ready. Grandma isn't allowed to help.
Grandma has to have lots of testing to make sure her body can withstand the treatments and transplant. They found an electical impulse abnormality in her heart and now she has to have some special tests at the cardiology office.
Please pray that these tests come back normal.
Thanks again to everyone for your thoughts, crossed paws, prayers, and patience.

She is also camera shy and these are the only photos Momma has been able to get so far.
As you guys know, we have lots going on here already as we are preparing for Grandma's transplant. Momma has been working with Aunt Shannon and Grandpa to get the house cleaned and ready. Grandma isn't allowed to help.
Grandma has to have lots of testing to make sure her body can withstand the treatments and transplant. They found an electical impulse abnormality in her heart and now she has to have some special tests at the cardiology office.
Please pray that these tests come back normal.
Thanks again to everyone for your thoughts, crossed paws, prayers, and patience.
Wow she sounds alot like me 7 1/2 years ago. I think she lucked into a pretty good home! Just sayin' Plus she was rescued from a puppymill at the age of three and I came from a (low scale) puppy mill at the age of three. So just look how wonderful I turned out. BOL Kudos for welcoming her into your family. She is quite a cutie!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
OMD...OMD...OMD...Welcome Home Taffy!!!!!!! What a wonderful blessing dat hers has found da most wonderful, loving home. OMD! I can't type fast enough.
My little doxie heart just wants to scream I am so excited!
Her sounds JUST like my sissy when hers came heres to live. Hers wasn't potty trained eithers but goodness me did hers ever catch on quick. Her was getting purty reliable just afters da furst week. Hers didn't do collars or leashes, or toys, or boys, and sadly hers didn't do affection. Her wanted and wants to be loved but her still has a hard time. Her is getting betters everyday though.
Sorry, I could go on and on bouts Whitney.
Ya;ll just take it easy and we totally understand ya'll has tons goin on right nows but if you need us then we is heres.
Hugs to all of you and congrats again to your beautiful new sissy.
PS: sorry fur writting a novel
Poor little Taffy. What a rough start in life. We'll enjoy watching her learn to be happy. Good luck with grandma too. Purring for her. Au is a little better, so cross your paws for him too, please.
Twix! That's the most special news we've heard in a long time! Taffy looks like she will be a wonderful sister to you!
Our paws are crossed for your gramma.
Sam and Pippen
That is so wonderful that you got a new sister. I know sharing isn't easy at first. But you'll realize mom and dad have a enough love for both of you!
Your mom and dad have great big hearts for rescuing a mill puppy. Every dog deserves a home with lots and lots of loving and I know she found that with you guys!
Mr. Nubbin'
Taffy is just beautiful! The two of you will be best friends soon, Twix.
Our paws remain crossed for your grandma.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Twix.....dis is da most wonderfur news I've heard all day long. A new sister. I is so Yappy Happy! She will have da best teacher ever wit you as her teacher.
Good vibes and prayers still going your way for Grandma!
Welcome Taffy. Your life of troubles has ended. Nothing but love from here on out.
Woof! Woof! OMD Golden Congrats Twix. Taffy is adorable. For sure (no doubt) you guys will have lots of FUN FUN FUN. You will be so good n teach Taffy lots of doggie stuffs. Can't wait to read more about your life together. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Oh our thoughts are with your Granny. It sounds scary. I hope that she will be able to get better.
Now Twix, this is going to be a huge adjustment for you. For now, she is scared and shy, but she is young and once she gets her bearings watch out! I think you better make sure that dad knows you are still his little princess.
We will keep Grandma in our thoughts!
As for your new girl - she is too adorable!
WELCOME Taffy!! She looks like a nice sister and you have lots to teach her. Good thing she has such a great big sister!! Tell her, dont be scared.
Twix, you're going to be very busy teaching your new sister all the good things in life. Sorry, you may have to share your ice cream with Daddy, but it'll all work out.
We are sending positive vibes and prayers for your Grandma!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Wow! Sorry but I had a good laugh seeing your reaction!
Taffy is adorable!
I am sure you two will get along pretty well. You are the big sister and you will teach everything she needs to know about the good life!
Sure she had a sad past but now she is going to enjoy all the love, attention and pawesome things that she deserves!
We have been praying for your Grandma. I hope those other tests come just fine and everything will be ok for the transplant!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Welcome to Blogville TAFFY. You are soooooo lucky. You are gonna have the grrrreatest big sister in the whole universe. And let me tell you about the super family you now have!!
TWIX... And Taffy too.. I have my paws tightly crossed and am sending VIBES fur your grandma. I know thingys are gonna be fine.
We're so excited for Taffy - a real home with people who will love her, and a big sister who will show her the ropes!!! That is just PAWSOME!!! You are going to be a fantastic big sister, Twix - I'm certain of it!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
welcome to your new home, taffy!
and still thinking very warm thoughts for your grandma. :) b
Twix....God Bless mom and dad for giving Taffy a home. She is quite a pretty girl and knowing how sad her life was I'm sure you will teach her lots of things and give her lots of TLC. She is very pretty.
Hugs Madi and Mom
Twix, what a lucky girl Taffy is to be able to come live with you and your special Mom and Dad. She is just as cute as can be. We hope things are going well between you. Just think how much warmer you can be if you will snuggle with Taffy. Congrats on your new sister - she is very pretty.
Paws crossed and prayers from Mom for Grandma.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
OMD!!! Congratulations....we had a huge tear in our eyes reading about precious Taffy!! You are going to be such a wonderful teacher...showing her all the great things that life has to offer her now!! And a wire-hair too.....Mama's heart cracked when she saw her picture!
(((Hugs)) your friends
Oskar, Schatzi & Xena
Oh! A Sister! Congrat's to all of you guys! So exciting. I will be keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers. ..
Much love,
Welcome home, Taffy!!!!!!! You are SO lucky! You have the bestest sister and two-leggers. They are going to love you so much that you forget all about what it was like before you came to live with them!
Sending lots of prayers for your grandma. Keep taking good care of everyone, Twix!
Congrats on the new sister. I know you will show her all the things shes been missing out on!
My mom is making THOSE faces and I think I even see LES -
Welkhome Taffy -
That is a furry nice name -
She's a beaWOOty -
AND, she's SO furry lukhky to end up with WOO!
PeeEssWoo: Mom said to paw: RESKHUES ROKHK!!!
Oh my goodness. She doesnt' even know how to chew on a bone? We are glad that your Mama and Dad decided to give her a home.
Prayers for your Grandma. :)
miss twix!
your new sis miss taffy is a pretty little lady! i know everythingie happened so quick like for you, but your mama and daddy are the awesomest for adoptin' miss taffy! i just know you and her will be the bestest buddies very soon. you can show her how to do everythingie -- especially how to chew a bone! i'm super way excited for ya'll!!
me and asa and mama are still puttin' our paws together for your grammy. those tests don't sound funsies at all. we are prayin' for everythingie to check out a-okay, especially your grammy's heart.
the booker man
Congratulations on your new sister. In the beginning I also felt a lot like you when I knew Dottie and Alven were coming to live with me. Now, I have gotten used to them and I guess they are not so bad to have around. I'm sure you'll feel the same way about Taffy. We will cross our paws for your Grandma and send her the bestest thoughts.
Awww!!! You and your parents ROCK!!! Welcome home, Taffy! We wish you every happiness!
And please know that your grandma is still in our prayers!
Tons of luv from all of us,
PS: Sorry we've been MIA - we're trying to get better!
Congratulations on the addition to your family. Taffy is adorable.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - we have your grandma in our prayers.
Twix - you are an absolute doll! I am loving your blog! And your new sister is pretty cute, too. You be good to her and show her what it means to have a nice warm furever home with lots of love and snuggles. Dog bless you both :)
Katie @
Congrats on your new addition! I am a brand new follower and fellow Doxie owner. Hello!
We are furry happy you guys are helping her out, we know you'll do wonders with her - and she's sure a cutie!
We wish you the best of luck; and have LOTS of furry fun with her :)
Rudy's Raiser
Congratulations on your new little girl. I think she found just the right family to help her adjust to the world and make her feel loved and secure. Sending our best wishes for your grandma.
OMD, we knew it!!!! Taffy is a cutie (although not as cute as you Twix!) and we are so happy that she has a wonderful loving home with you and your pawrents! We just know that you'll show her the ropes and teach her lots of neat things that she never had a chance to do before.
We are keeping our fingers and paws crossed that everything goes well with your Grandma and we hope that everyone there is surviving the nasty weather you're getting.
Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell
Hi Twixie!
We are furry excited to see you have a sister. I bet you two will be best furiends before ya know it. She looks like a furry nice doggy and will have a terrific teacher who can show her all about the things she's missed out on.
We have our paws and fingers crossed that all goes well with your Grandma.
Bijou, Banjo and mom.
Congratulations on your new lil sister! She is very cute and she'll be fine with a teacher like you!! Also sending along prayers for your grandma.
xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
HA! We sniffed out the newcomer with our backtracking! Congratulations on your new sister, Taffy. We know that she will have a wonderful home and though it IS hard to have to learn to share, we know that your heart is big and things will work out.
We are still praying for your Grandma as well as you, Twixie! The CCC
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