30 minutes later:
I'm so lucky to have so many furiends!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Overwhelmed! A post by Mom
I am truly overwhelmed by our friends in the blogging community. These past few weeks have been tough ones, as you know. I really appreciate the posts that were done to celebrate Twix's life by her furiends. I think I have seen them all. If you put up a post in memory of Twix and I did not leave a comment please let me know so that I can visit you.
I thought I was just being silly a couple of years ago when I helped Twix start her blog. Then we met Lorenza and I began to see that there were a lot of other sillies out there! I am so amazed by the number of friends that left a comment saying that Twix was one of their first blog friends or one of the first blogs they followed. I even saw some comments that said they were inspired to start blogging after following A Wiener Dog Blog. I never knew my little Twix touched so many lives or how much she had touched them.
2 "Twixeriffic" things happened these last couple of weeks.
First I received the following email on Oct 1st:
Teresa, I wanted to let you know that we just received a generous donation for the disabled animals at our sanctuary in memory of your beloved Twix. We were so sorry to hear about your loss, and our hearts go out to you.
The donation came from an anonymous donor so I don’t know who made the gift — hopefully whoever it was will tell you! The donor added a personal note that said, “Donation made in memory of beautiful Miss Twix.”
The donor asked us to let you know about his or her gift as a memorial for Twix, and we are very grateful for it.
Please know that you are in our thoughts.
Steve Smith
Rolling Dog Farm
A Special Place For Disabled Animals
I don't know who the donor is.....no one has mentioned it to me, but you are welcome to if you would like. It brought me to tears that someone in the DWB community thought that much of Twix. I mean, I know how special she was to us but I really didn't realize how special she was to some of you.
Teresa, I wanted to let you know that we just received a generous donation for the disabled animals at our sanctuary in memory of your beloved Twix. We were so sorry to hear about your loss, and our hearts go out to you.
The donation came from an anonymous donor so I don’t know who made the gift — hopefully whoever it was will tell you! The donor added a personal note that said, “Donation made in memory of beautiful Miss Twix.”
The donor asked us to let you know about his or her gift as a memorial for Twix, and we are very grateful for it.
Please know that you are in our thoughts.
Steve Smith
Rolling Dog Farm
A Special Place For Disabled Animals
I don't know who the donor is.....no one has mentioned it to me, but you are welcome to if you would like. It brought me to tears that someone in the DWB community thought that much of Twix. I mean, I know how special she was to us but I really didn't realize how special she was to some of you.
Second, there was an unexpected package on our front step when we got home from work earlier this week from
The Dachsies with Moxie.
The Dachsies with Moxie.
Inside the package was a beautiful note:
"Please accept our condolences on the passing of Twix the Twixerrific. We loved following her blog and we were devastated when we learned of Twix's going to the Rainbow Bridge last week. Please accept this gift - we hope that it will help you heal."
Along with the note was this beautiful quilt:
Again, I was brought to tears and just totally amazed! For those of you that are long time blog followers you will probably recognize that image of Twix. It is the same one that was used by Kathleen Coy when she painted Twix's portrait, a gift for my husband. Agnes, the mom of DWM, knew that picture was special to us. The detail in the quilt is amazing! Here are a few closer up views for you:
Amazing detail!
Thank you so very much, Agnes! I will never be able to put into words how much this means to us.
We also received cards from a few of our blogging friends.
Thank you!
Again, I'm overwhelmed at the outpouring of love we have experienced since Twix left us.
I just don't think it is possible for me to convey to you how much it has meant to us.
Lastly, I thought I would leave you with a few of the last photos taken of Twix.
We also received cards from a few of our blogging friends.
Thank you!
Again, I'm overwhelmed at the outpouring of love we have experienced since Twix left us.
I just don't think it is possible for me to convey to you how much it has meant to us.
Lastly, I thought I would leave you with a few of the last photos taken of Twix.
I had forgotten these were on my camera and was surprised when I uploaded them today.
I know I've said this a few times but, again, I never knew how many lives Twix touched or how much she meant to several of you. I don't know if I will ever be able to grasp it. I want to tell you how much I appreciate your willingness to let us know in one way or another how much you loved her.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Alphonso, Teresa, and Taffy
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Grandma Update & Looking for an Adoptable Dachshund
Hi, everypup and everycat!
If I remember correctly this will be my first official blog post!
Oh! I'm so excited.
To start off with, a photo of me in case you have forgotten what I look like....
Aren't I beautiful?
Now that your memory has been refreshed how about I tell you about my Grandma?
Grandma is doing well. We found out about 6 weeks ago that her transplant failed. The doctors said they felt the best option for her was to continue the chemo treatments she has been getting monthly.
Last week they told her she was in remission!!!!!
Now, her remission is different than what you think of when you hear the word remission. Because her cancer is such a tough one to fight and it is very aggressive she will need to continue her chemo treatments every month. So, the cancer is not gone and it will never be gone but the treatments are minimizing it to the point that it is not taking over and destroying her bone marrow and blood cells.
Isn't that Twixerrific?!
Thank you all for your prayers, get well vibes,
and crossed paws!!
I would like to send a very special thank you to those of you who sent cards to my grandma earlier this year. Momma says she was bad and hasn't gotten in touch with you guys but she wants you to know that she and Grandma really appreciate your kindness!!! Grandma loved each and every card she received and it made her feel very special knowing Twix's furiends thought that much of her.
Thank You from the bottom of my heart!
Now, are you rescue people out there listening?
No, the dachshund that is wanted is not for my house....
I know some of you were thinking that but
Momma says it isn't time yet.
The dachshund will be for Grandma and Grandpa. Some of you may remember that before her transplant they had to get rid of their two kitties. Well, since she is no longer on lockdown and is in remission she thought maybe the docs would let them get a doggie. She asked today and they said YES!!!! Grandma has been down in the dumps lately with everything going on and hopefully, a doggie will give her some companionship and make her feel better in general. We all know that doggies can help people get better, don't we?
Are you sure you're listening?
Lemme get a little closer just to make sure you can hear me.
This next part is really impawtant!
Even though Grandma is considered to be in remission she still has to be really careful about germs and stuff. So, there are some strict requirements for adopting a dog. And Grandma and Grandpa will have to be picky in order to get the right doggie for them.
*The dog MUST be potty trained...accidents in the house could put Grandma at risk.
*The dog must have short furs....Grandma is thinking a short haired doxie would be perfect to fit that criteria.
*Grandma and Grandpa want a female.
I know all our pals out there will be able to help us find the perfect doggie to make Grandma feel better.
Besides that, its her birthday this weekend!
I think a doggie would be the perfect birthday present!
Momma says she will be putting up a post this weekend to let you know how things are around here....I think that means there will be more photos of me!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Dear Momma
Dear Momma,
I wanted to tell you that I made it safely to the Rainbow Bridge. You will never believe how beautiful it is here. It really is paradise for us doggies. Speaking of us doggies, you will never guess who met me at the door....Max! I can see now why you loved him so much and told me about him. He is one special boy. You will be happy to know that we are having so much fun here.
I've met lots of my friends here. It is fun to meet them in person. There have even been a few that have arrived after me. I know it is sad for our humans but if you could see us you would never be sad. All the doggies are in the prime of their lives. No one ever gets older and no one ever gets sick here. The sun is always shining and there are plenty of chairs to sunbathe in. And, most importantly, treats really do fall out of the sky!
Momma, I want to tell you that you and Daddy really did do the right thing. You were right, I was not happy anymore. I was trapped and confused, my body ached, I didn't always know where I was and I wasn't always able to understand when you called my name. I know your heart is still broken; I can see you and the pain you are in. I don't want you to be sad because I am so happy here. I also know that you question whether or not it was the right time and I want you to know that it was. You didn't make the decision too early but you didn't wait too long either. Just like you have done since I was itty bitty, you took perfect care of me. Thank you for holding me close and not letting me be scared. Any concerns I had disappeared as I lay in your arms and you and Daddy told me what was going to happen and why. Hearing you tell me you loved me as I fell asleep was a wonderful gift. Thank you for loving me enough to let me go even though it was so painful for you.
You don't have to wonder if I know how much you love me....I know, Momma, I know. I hope you know how much I love you. I miss you more than you will ever know and I can't wait to see you again. I will be keeping an eye on you guys. You never know when I might drop you a line or stop in for a quick visit.
All my love forever and ever,
I wanted to tell you that I made it safely to the Rainbow Bridge. You will never believe how beautiful it is here. It really is paradise for us doggies. Speaking of us doggies, you will never guess who met me at the door....Max! I can see now why you loved him so much and told me about him. He is one special boy. You will be happy to know that we are having so much fun here.
I've met lots of my friends here. It is fun to meet them in person. There have even been a few that have arrived after me. I know it is sad for our humans but if you could see us you would never be sad. All the doggies are in the prime of their lives. No one ever gets older and no one ever gets sick here. The sun is always shining and there are plenty of chairs to sunbathe in. And, most importantly, treats really do fall out of the sky!
Momma, I want to tell you that you and Daddy really did do the right thing. You were right, I was not happy anymore. I was trapped and confused, my body ached, I didn't always know where I was and I wasn't always able to understand when you called my name. I know your heart is still broken; I can see you and the pain you are in. I don't want you to be sad because I am so happy here. I also know that you question whether or not it was the right time and I want you to know that it was. You didn't make the decision too early but you didn't wait too long either. Just like you have done since I was itty bitty, you took perfect care of me. Thank you for holding me close and not letting me be scared. Any concerns I had disappeared as I lay in your arms and you and Daddy told me what was going to happen and why. Hearing you tell me you loved me as I fell asleep was a wonderful gift. Thank you for loving me enough to let me go even though it was so painful for you.
You don't have to wonder if I know how much you love me....I know, Momma, I know. I hope you know how much I love you. I miss you more than you will ever know and I can't wait to see you again. I will be keeping an eye on you guys. You never know when I might drop you a line or stop in for a quick visit.
All my love forever and ever,
A special thank you to Amber and her mom for making this beautiful photo in remembrance of Twix.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Dear Twix
Dear Twix,
I remember the very first time I laid eyes on you. I'm sure you don't remember because you were only 3 weeks old. You were the only chocolate doxie in the litter and I fell in love with you right away. I picked you up and held you and my heart melted. I knew we were meant to be together because you laid in my hand and fell asleep...on your back. It was hard for me to leave you that evening but I knew you would be my girl soon. Three weeks later, I picked you up even though I thought it was too early for you to leave your Mom. You cried all the way to our house and at the time I didn't know what was wrong but now I know it was because you didn't like riding in the car.
Then, several years ago, you got very sick with pancreatitis. I have never seen a dog as sick as you were. We thought we were gonna lose you back then. We weren't sure how you'd be each day when we went to visit you at the doggie hospital but one day, finally, you showed a little excitement when we showed up and when I saw your tail wag I knew you would pull through. Everything became very clear to me the day we got to bring you home. As your doctor handed me your bill I said, "I'm scared to see this." and her reply was, "Teresa, I thought you were gonna have this bill and no dog to take home." That is how sick you were, Baby Girl, even the vet thought you weren't gonna make it.
I found this poem online today and it says perfectly how I think you felt this morning.
I remember the very first time I laid eyes on you. I'm sure you don't remember because you were only 3 weeks old. You were the only chocolate doxie in the litter and I fell in love with you right away. I picked you up and held you and my heart melted. I knew we were meant to be together because you laid in my hand and fell asleep...on your back. It was hard for me to leave you that evening but I knew you would be my girl soon. Three weeks later, I picked you up even though I thought it was too early for you to leave your Mom. You cried all the way to our house and at the time I didn't know what was wrong but now I know it was because you didn't like riding in the car.
That first night in my new apartment is one I will never forget. You woke me up in the middle of the night kneading my stomach and looking for something to eat. And again, my heart melted. You were quite the stubborn little girl; good thing for you that your big brother, Max, had trained me well. You proved to me the reason doxies are known for being hard to potty break. It didn't take me long to learn what a smart little girl you were. You would watch me when I picked up your poop and flushed it and pretty soon you were pooping right next to the toilet....that still makes me giggle. You made it very apparent to me that you did not approve of being left in your crate while I went to work by moving that crate clear across the room while you were in it!
And when your daddy came into our lives you were not too happy about it. You cried when we kissed and you would steal his bread and butter right off his plate. You and he grew to love each other and became inseparable. You became his dog and he became your daddy. You took care of him and he took care of you. He says it was because you two bonded while I was in the hospital. However it happened doesn't really matter to me. I'm glad you and he were able to find each other. Did you know you were born on Father's Day? I think that is very fitting knowing how much you loved your daddy.
Then, several years ago, you got very sick with pancreatitis. I have never seen a dog as sick as you were. We thought we were gonna lose you back then. We weren't sure how you'd be each day when we went to visit you at the doggie hospital but one day, finally, you showed a little excitement when we showed up and when I saw your tail wag I knew you would pull through. Everything became very clear to me the day we got to bring you home. As your doctor handed me your bill I said, "I'm scared to see this." and her reply was, "Teresa, I thought you were gonna have this bill and no dog to take home." That is how sick you were, Baby Girl, even the vet thought you weren't gonna make it.
It seems to me that illness changed you, kind of like how sometimes when people get very sick they just aren't the same person they were. I don't mean changed you in a bad way either. It just seemed like your health was never the same and you got sick much easier and more often. It seems like you aged faster than normal as well. I'm not complaining one bit, Peanut, I loved every minute we spent together.
This past year has been a tough one, hasn't it? I thought we were going to lose you again this past winter when you stopped eating. Thankfully, we didn't. You have some great blog friends that gave me some terrific ideas to get you to eat. And then we brought your sister, Taffy, home and suddenly you became much more interested in food. I tell everyone Taffy saved your life. I wish she could have found a way to keep you here longer but I'm being selfish.
I have been telling myself that I stopped helping you with your blog because life was crazy but today I realized it was because you were changing and no longer the happy girl that everyone loves. You've had good days and bad days the past few months but Daddy and I have watched your enjoyment of life vanish along with the sparkle in your eyes. You haven't really been present for the past several weeks and that was why Daddy and I helped you go to the bridge this morning. I hope you understand.
I found this poem online today and it says perfectly how I think you felt this morning.
You're giving me a special gift,
So sorrowfully endowed,
And through these last few cherished days,
Your courage makes me proud.
But really, love is knowing
When your best friend is in pain,
And understanding earthly acts
Will only be in vain.
So looking deep into your eyes,
Beyond, into your soul,
I see in you the magic, that will
Once more make me whole.
The strength that you possess,
Is why I look to you today,
To do this thing that must be done,
For it's the only way.
That strength is why I've followed you,
And chose you as my friend,
And why I've loved you all these years...
My partner 'til the end.
Please, understand just what this gift,
You're giving, means to me,
It gives me back the strength I've lost,
And all my dignity.
You take a stand on my behalf,
For that is what friends do.
And know that what you do is right,
For I believe it too.
So one last time, I breathe your scent,
And through your hand I feel,
The courage that's within you,
To now grant me this appeal.
Cut the leash that holds me here,
Dear friend, and let me run,
Once more a strong and steady dog,
My pain and struggle done.
And don't despair my passing,
For I won't be far away,
Forever here, within your heart,
And memory I'll stay.
I'll be there watching over you,
Your ever faithful friend,
And in your memories I'll run,
...a young dog once again.
In Memory of Asta, Feb. 1997
(c) Karen Clouston
I hope you know how much we love you. I hope you know we will see each other again. I hope you know that even though my heart is broken it gives me comfort to know that you are no longer trapped and unhappy. I hope you've already found your friends who have gone before you at the Rainbow Bridge and are running and playing with them. Oh, Twix, you are my Sweet Baby Girl and always will be. I love you and miss you so very much.
All my love forever and ever,
All my love forever and ever,
06/20/1999 - 09/24/2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
A Late WW Post (and it isn't wordless)
Have you guys forgotten about us? I sure hope not!
We are still here and things are pretty good.
Daddy brought this home from work the other day and said the clown told him it was a dog.
Yes, you read that correctly....a dog!
Anybody else out there think maybe those really weren't cigarettes that clown was smoking????
Then we were subjected to wearing it!
Please visit Frankie's blog tomorrow (aka St. Patrick's Day) to get an update on things here.
A special thank you to Frankie for helping our Mom out!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
A Valentine's Update with Photos!
Gosh! Momma has been taking over the blog lately. I don't know what makes her think she has the right to do that.
I would like to say THANKS to all of you for your support, prayers, and ideas while I've been sick.
I am doing better and I even have a photo to prove it....
Yes, that is me, eating Fresh Pet!
It seems having Taffy here has given me an incentive to eat.
This morning I was running through the house like a cracker dog because I was so excited to get something to eat. Momma and Daddy are taking me to the specialty clinic on Wednesday. I'm not looking forward to it. I still have a little head twitch and stumble sometimes but not as bad as before. I have the most problems when I first wake up. Mom is wondering if it was just because I wasn't eating that caused some of that stuff.
I know you guys have been having withdrawl symptoms from not seeing any photos of me so here you go!
This is from a couple of weeks ago when we had a blizzard.
Do you see how deep that snow is?
It is up to my NECK!
And do you see how quickly I changed my mind about needing to go outside?
A couple of photos of me and Taffy:
Taffy says, "What? I'm just makin sure
she don't fall off the couch."
We got some mail this past week.
First, I got a card from Frankie. He is such a nice guy.
Thanks for thinkin of me Frankie!
First, I got a card from Frankie. He is such a nice guy.
Thanks for thinkin of me Frankie!
Sorry about the photo,
we weren't in the mood for a photo shoot.
Then mail came that was addressed to Twix and Taffy.
I'm not so sure I like having to share my mail.
We got a wonderful window cling (so the firemen will know to look for us if the place catches fire) and a card from Oskar. Thanks Oskar!
Taffy thought the cling was for her to chew on.
What a dork!
What a dork!
I hope everypup gets some
extra lovin for Valentine's Day!
extra lovin for Valentine's Day!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Just a quick update
Twix is doing better!!!!
Thank you all so much for the feeding suggestions. I have never had to deal with a dog that won't eat and several of your tips worked. She will eat from a syringe on her own without me forcing it down her. Currently, she is eating applesauce, yogurt, baby food fruits, and strawberry ice cream. She snarfs down that ice cream!!! We have known that she was having vision problems but I don't think she is blind. It seems she has a hard time finding her food so I am starting to wonder if her sense of smell is not working so great either. She doesn't eat a lot at one time but her energy is starting to come back. She even picked a fight with her sister last night! Up til yesterday she acted like she didn't even care that Taffy was here so I was glad to see that. I know, it's crazy that I was happy to see my dogs fight. It was just a 3 second spat and no one was injured.
Now that Twix is starting to feel better, having Taffy seems to be giving her a bit more incentive to eat also. She has not eaten true dog food in quite a while and she ate some Fresh Pet yesterday. I tried it before all the other stuff when we got home from work today and she turned away from it. Later, when I fed Taffy and she got Fresh Pet, Twix was much more interested and ate a little herself.
Twix still has her head twitch but it is not nearly like it was in the video. Her daddy and I are going to take her back to the specialty clinic next week for a consultation. Dr. Abby suggested we start with an internal medicine doctor there and he/she will probably want to get a neurologist involved. I will update you guys after her appointment--I haven't made it yet because we just made this decision today.
My mom is doing good as well. We are still in a holding pattern but she will be having another bone marrow biopsy the first part of March. We are praying that the results will be a definite yes she has it or no she doesn't.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your support with both of these situations.
Twix and/or Taffy will be back to posting this weekend with pictures ;o)
Friday, February 4, 2011
Twix update from Mom
I wasn't sure I would make it through the work day today because all I could think about was getting my girl to the vet this evening. When I got home she seemed more alert than she was this morning and was walking better. Her head twitch seems less frequent too. On the way to the vet's office Twix's daddy and I discussed our "options". He felt like Twix was suffering and in pain whereas I did not and He was worried that she would fall off the bed and break something in the middle of the night or hurt her back. Our long term followers know how much Twix and her daddy love each other and it was a very hard thing to think about us not bringing her home. It is extremely important to Twix's daddy and I that she not suffer.
When we arrived at the office Twix was not her normal anxious self but was maybe her half normal anxious self. She did some pacing and some whimpering. Of course, I was in tears in the waiting room and it only got worse once we were in the exam room. We talked with Dr. Abby for quite a while and asked lots of questions. We discussed Vestibular Disorder and she said Twix definitely doesn't have that. She and Shannon (Twix's aunt) assured us that she was not in pain. They made some suggestions on how to keep Twix safe and we talked about how we could control those type of things. So, when we got home tonight we took the mattress off the bed and put it on the floor ;o)
Dr. Abby had sent the video to a neurologist along with a list of things going on with her and is still waiting to hear back. I asked about a concussion and Dr. Abby said that was possible since she was showing some improvement. Both hubby and I felt much better about things after talking with her.
As far as the blood in her urine, we have addressed everything that was suggested in the comments from yesterday's post. We have looked at stones, UTI's, masses, etc. She has had several urinalysis, including sterile ones. She has had x-rays and her back and discs look great. The sonogram she had done at the specialty clinic didn't show any abnormalities at all. The specialist thought she probably had a broken vessel in one or her kidneys and said the only way to fix it would be to have surgery and remove the kidney. He felt that we don't have anything to worry about with that. We have had lots and lots of blood work done too. It seems like we do that about once a month. One reason we do blood work so frequently is to make sure she doesn't become anemic. Her liver and kidney functions are fine. Her blood sugar is always in a normal range. The only thing that ever shows up in the blood work that is abnormal is the white count.
Dr. Abby feels like the biggest issue is the anorexia. We have been trying to get her to eat things she should be eating up to this point but the vet said we should just give her what she will eat right now. I know she likes applesauce so when we got home I put some apple juice in a bowl and she drank all of it. I will be making a trip to the grocery store in the morning to get some applesauce and baby food fruits.
I know that Dr. Abby has had other colleagues review Twix's information and they are as baffled as she is. I think cancer of some sort is probably what is going on but with her recent abdominal sonogram we know it isn't located there.
Thank you so much for all your suggestions, thoughts, prayers, and crossed paws. We talked about pretty much everything that was suggested when we were at the vet's office. I will try to keep you updated as I can.
Thank you so much for everything!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Twix is sick.....Post from Mom
As many of you know, Twix has had some ongoing health problems for a while. I haven't updated all her friends lately about her newest issues but she has gotten much worse in the past 24 hours and I need to know if anyone out there recognizes any of these symptoms.
First of all, as has been posted on the blog, she has had blood in her urine for quite some time. We were under the impression that this was nothing to worry about after seeing a specialist and having a sonogram. She didn't have any masses or even anything that looked suspicious when we had that done this past summer. The blood comes and goes and other than that she seemed to be just her normal self.
A couple of months ago, she stopped eating her dry dog food and started losing weight. She usually weighs in the 11 pound range and she had gotten down to a little over 9 pounds. She would sometimes eat canned food and sometimes she wouldn't and then it got to the point she just wouldn't eat it at all. We started cooking for her. Chicken breasts and rice, hamburger and rice, just about anything else that our vet suggested. Again, sometimes she would eat and sometimes she wouldn't. It is so hard for me to reach down and hand her a slice of cheese and have her turn her nose away. She is the dog who will eat anything! We finally realized that she seemed to like sweet things so I started using sweet potatoes instead of rice. That lasted for one meal. We started feeding her yogurt and she will eat some of that each day but no more than a half a cup of yogurt per day. She will sometimes eat some plain chicken or hamburger. Somehow, she has gained some of her weight back and is now at about 10 pounds. I really don't understand how that is possible since she eats so little but I figure it is because she wasn't eating at all before.
They usually do blood work when we take her in to the vet's office. It will come back normal except for a high white blood cell count so then we put her on antibiotics. When we have the blood work rechecked her white count is normal. Then the next time the blood work is done (sometimes just a week or two later) her white count is high again.
She has lost some of her coordination over the past 6 months or so but we had attributed it to her age. She had started to trip going up or down the stairs. She was on an anti inflammatory medication but we were concerned that could be affecting her appetite so we took her off of it. When she trips, she may slide down a couple of steps but she never fell and once she got her footing she was able to make it the rest of the way.
Yesterday, I was at an appointment with my mom and her Daddy was home with her. Taffy was at the vet recovering from her spay and teeth cleaning. Twix's daddy had gone to the basement and heard her go upstairs but then heard her fall down all the stairs. When he came running up to check on her she was standing at the bottom of the stairs dazed. He checked her over and she didn't seem to have anything wrong other than being dazed. When I got home she didn't even move off the couch to greet me which is strange. We thought maybe she was a little sore from her tumble. Not too long after that she started doing this strange jerky thing. I called the vet and they said we should take her in. I had this fear that she would stop before we got there due to excitement/nerves. I took a quick video so that they would be able to see exactly what she was doing.
She is usually quite nervous at the vet's office but yesterday she just stood there. They checked her over and thought maybe she had a seizure but weren't sure. They checked her blood work and her white cell count is high again. While we were waiting for her blood work to come back, she fell asleep in my arms, belly up, like a baby. She would NEVER have done that before. And she was totally out, almost hard to wake. Once I put her down, she was stumbling when she walked and if she stood still she would lean forward to the point that her hind legs would start to lift off the floor before she would catch herself.
Today, she seems the same. Not really much change at all except maybe the head jerk isn't quite as often. We are taking her back to the vet tomorrow for a follow up. Dr. Abby wasn't there when we went yesterday but will be there tomorrow. She has been telling us for a while that Twix definitely has something wrong but her symptoms are very vague and we are having a hard time pin pointing it. These new symptoms almost seem neurological.
I was hoping maybe, just maybe, someone out there has seen this same thing with one of their dogs or might have a clue of what is going on. She has totally lost her spark and it breaks my heart to see her like this:
On another note, at my mom's appointment yesterday they decided to postpone her transplant. The second biopsy came back as leukemia OR a reaction to something going on inside her body. They don't want to do the transplant on Monday until they have concrete answers. The doctor said he is sure she has the Leukemia from her blood work and symptoms but it is his job to leave no stone unturned prior to doing the transplant. So, they will be getting the slides from her first biopsy and comparing them and if the pathologist still isn't sure they will either perform another biopsy and/or send the slides to Mayo Clinic. They said it will probably be a month or more before we proceed.
Thank you for your prayers and power of the paw!
Please feel free to link to this post.
I feel like the more who read it the better the chance someone might recognize what is happening.
Thank you for your prayers and power of the paw!
Please feel free to link to this post.
I feel like the more who read it the better the chance someone might recognize what is happening.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
As many of you have suspected,
there is a new dog at my house......
there is a new dog at my house......
This is Lover Dog.
Daddy bought him just for Momma.
Isn't he cute?
Daddy bought him just for Momma.
Isn't he cute?
Ok, I'll stop yankin your leash.....
This is Taffy.
She is the one seen in my Wordless Wednesday post snuggling with my daddy. Apparently, Mom and Dad went to the vet to meet her one night after work last week.
Nobody even asked me how I felt about this.
They just went and picked her up on their way home from work Friday night. I bet you're wondering what my reaction was when I found out, aren't you?
Nobody even asked me how I felt about this.
They just went and picked her up on their way home from work Friday night. I bet you're wondering what my reaction was when I found out, aren't you?
Momma and Daddy had told Dr. Abby that they were interested in a wire-hair doxie if one ever comes up for adoption thru Hard Luck Hounds.
A couple of weeks ago, Dr. Abby sent an email asking if they would be interested in a female wire hair that has been in a breeding facility. Momma had been secretly hoping to rescue a dog that had been at a puppy mill. Momma said she knew right away this was gonna be the right dog for us.
And, next thing I know I have a new sibling.
A couple of weeks ago, Dr. Abby sent an email asking if they would be interested in a female wire hair that has been in a breeding facility. Momma had been secretly hoping to rescue a dog that had been at a puppy mill. Momma said she knew right away this was gonna be the right dog for us.
And, next thing I know I have a new sibling.
Taffy has never had a name before,
she was only a number.
she was only a number.
She is 3 years old and doesn't know how to play.
Her 3 years have been spent in confinement
making as many puppies as possible.
Her 3 years have been spent in confinement
making as many puppies as possible.
She has never even had someone spend enough time with her to potty train her or teach her any sort of manners.
She has never been on a leash before and it is obvious that she has never worn a collar before either.
Her teeth look like they belong to a dog at least twice her age. (She has to get them cleaned soon.)
She is a very sweet girl and loves to be loved.

She is also camera shy and these are the only photos Momma has been able to get so far.
As you guys know, we have lots going on here already as we are preparing for Grandma's transplant. Momma has been working with Aunt Shannon and Grandpa to get the house cleaned and ready. Grandma isn't allowed to help.
Grandma has to have lots of testing to make sure her body can withstand the treatments and transplant. They found an electical impulse abnormality in her heart and now she has to have some special tests at the cardiology office.
Please pray that these tests come back normal.
Thanks again to everyone for your thoughts, crossed paws, prayers, and patience.

She is also camera shy and these are the only photos Momma has been able to get so far.
As you guys know, we have lots going on here already as we are preparing for Grandma's transplant. Momma has been working with Aunt Shannon and Grandpa to get the house cleaned and ready. Grandma isn't allowed to help.
Grandma has to have lots of testing to make sure her body can withstand the treatments and transplant. They found an electical impulse abnormality in her heart and now she has to have some special tests at the cardiology office.
Please pray that these tests come back normal.
Thanks again to everyone for your thoughts, crossed paws, prayers, and patience.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
I Have A Funny Feeling About This......

Hard Luck Hounds has two main objectives:
First, we try and take animals with medical needs that other rescue groups may not be able to provide.
Second, we obtain dogs from breeding facilities in Southwest Missouri which are no longer wanted or needed. We are able to bring these pets into the clinic, address any medical or behavioral needs, begin training and socialization and keep them safe while beginning the search for the perfect forever home.
*Taken from HLH website
This short clip was on our local news lately. I've heard Mom and Dad talking about it AND Hard Luck Hounds is at my vet's office. Actually, now that I think about it, Momma has been emailing Dr. Abby quite a bit lately. Add to that the mysterious photo of my daddy cuddling with another dog........
Click on the above link if you want to see the clip.
I think there is something suspicious going on at my house. What do you guys think?
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