Thanks to Minna for hosting "The Story of Me" on this wonderful Thanksgiving 2010.
I don't have much of an adoption story because my Momma got me when I was 5 1/2 weeks old.
She had another doxie, Max, and he passed away in February 1999 after living a wonderful 17 years.
I usually post the same photo of Max but today,
we have a new and different one for you to enjoy.
we have a new and different one for you to enjoy.
Momma (she didn't know Daddy yet) wasn't ready to get another dog right away. One day one of her coworkers said her neighbor's dogs just had puppies....and they were doxies! Momma agreed to go and look at them. I was 3 weeks old at that time. There were about 6 puppies there and Mom played with them all and loved on all them. She picked me up and I fell asleep in the palm of her hand....belly up. She liked my coloring too. I was chocolate and tan. So, she told the lady she wanted to get me.
First puppy photo of me EVER on the blog!
See, I haven't been lying to you, I was chocolate and tan!
See, I haven't been lying to you, I was chocolate and tan!
Mom was planning to get me several weeks later because she was in the middle of moving. The lady called Mom the first week of August (I was born June 20) and said she needed to come and pick me up. Mom said she thought I was too young to be away from my birth mother but the lady said all the other puppies were already gone and she had someone else interested in me if she didn't come to get me.
So, I moved in with Mom and all her boxes. I was certainly too young to be away from my first home but Momma put me in bed with her that night and that made me feel more comfy. Matter of fact, I was so comfy I woke Momma up in the middle of the night pushing on her tummy.....looking for something to eat.

Taken after I was "fixed".
Didn't know I was broken to start with!

Taken after I was "fixed".
Didn't know I was broken to start with!
I am not a registered dog and was relatively inexpensive and yes, I came from a backyard breeder. Mom and Dad don't care where I came from they love me no matter what and that is what I am most thankful for today!
Frankie requested I tell how I adopted my dad today too. Most of you guys know how much of a Daddy's girl I am. It didn't start out that way at all!!
I was about 2 years old when Momma and Daddy met. When she told Dad that she had a Dachshund he said, "I don't like little dogs.". Mom asked how did he know if he liked me or not if he never met me. He said again he didn't like little dogs and he knew he wouldn't like me. So, whenever he came over to our house and had dinner he would eat off a TV tray in the living room. My daddy eats bread and butter with every meal and he would put his bread on a napkin next to his plate on the tray. Following me here? Since he didn't like me, I decided I didn't like him either and he knew it. The first moment he wasn't looking at his plate I would reach up there real quiet like and snatch a slice of that yummy bread and butter off his tray. I was so quick that I had most of it eaten before he ever realized what happened.
Ah, those were the days ;o)
Ah, those were the days ;o)
So, Mom and Dad started dating in Sept 2001 and after the first of the year Mom got really sick and was in the hospital for a couple of weeks. Daddy came over and took care of us during that time. (We also had another doxie that you will get to meet over the next few weeks.) He felt so sorry for me that he spoiled me rotten while Momma was in the hospital. I decided I liked him after he started spoiling me!
He says we "bonded" during that time.

Daddy and I after "bonding".
He says we "bonded" during that time.

Daddy and I after "bonding".

Thanks to Frankie for hosting the Christmas Shopping Spree for our parents today too!
For Christmas, I would give my parents a new king size bed. They both dislike my queen size bed that I share with them. If we shared a king size bed, maybe they would quit complaining about how much room I take.

Next I would buy them a lifetime membership to Petco. That way, they won't have to stress out when I'm needing something new and they are out of green papers.

For my momma, I would buy this:
Not the phones, the herd ;o)
And for my daddy I would get this:

Have a Twixerrific Thanksgiving!!!!!

Note from Twix: I know some of you have read that we need some paw power sent our way on Frankies' blog. It is really my grandma who needs it. Even tho she finished her chemo treatments in April she is having some complications related to that. I can give more details in the future when we get some answers. Please pray and cross paws that what the docs think is wrong with her is not it!
For Christmas, I would give my parents a new king size bed. They both dislike my queen size bed that I share with them. If we shared a king size bed, maybe they would quit complaining about how much room I take.

Next I would buy them a lifetime membership to Petco. That way, they won't have to stress out when I'm needing something new and they are out of green papers.

For my momma, I would buy this:
Not the phones, the herd ;o)
And for my daddy I would get this:

Have a Twixerrific Thanksgiving!!!!!

Note from Twix: I know some of you have read that we need some paw power sent our way on Frankies' blog. It is really my grandma who needs it. Even tho she finished her chemo treatments in April she is having some complications related to that. I can give more details in the future when we get some answers. Please pray and cross paws that what the docs think is wrong with her is not it!
Oh Twix, I can tell dat you is a Daddy's girl. Us weenie pups sure has a way to wap da hoomans round our wittle weenie paws, don'ts we? I luvs da gift ideas for your pawrents. Da gifts dat don't evfur stop giving...
I love your story, Twix, and I am so happy that you and your Dad finally bonded.
You would give your Mom a whole herd of doxies? Whew! That would keep her busy all the time there is.
Hey Twix
Those are some great ideas for your mom and dad. You sure were cute when you were a puppy!!
Hi Twix, Thanks for sharing your story. I LOVE that picture of you and your dad. Way to win him over!!
We will be thinking of your Grandmother. I hope she is feeling better soon.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Your pal, Pip
Happy Thanksgiving, Twix!!
You were so tiny and such a cute little chocolate bar. Not much different than now!!
Wonderful story. We're glad you decided to adopt your Dad. Think what you'd have missed out on there!
Paws are crossed for your Grandma.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Hi Twix!
Happy Thanksgiving! What a great story, especially the part about your Daddy. He seems like a really tough guy--- but no one can resist the charms of a doxie! Baby Bird's Dad was skeptical about little dogs too--- but now he spoils her rotten =) Thanks for sharing, and best wishes to your grandma.
<3 Dovey + Baby Bird
Paws khrossed fur your grandma...
Thanks fur sharing your story AND your gift list fur your pawrents!
Happy Thanksgiving!
You sure were tiny when you came home. Your dad seems to really love you. I'm so glad that you and your mom found him.
w00fs, loved your story Twix...heehee me is happy u adopted ur mama and ur daddy..we had been wondering how ur g-ma was doing after chemo..we are sad to hear she is not well..please give her our love...
b safe,
Love the story.. Daddy saying he doesn't like small dogs? Well you are so sweet he had to change that just paw you Twix!
The picture of you as a pup was just so cute, I had to call my pack over, and they went "DAWWWWW" and all the other baby noises humans make.
I hope you can get the hugest bed, how could a little thing like you take up much room? I sleep on Sarah's double, and I used to curl into a little ball at the end of the bed and not move at all.. until Sarah slowly pulled me up, now I sleep near the pillow! Hehehe... I go down if she wants. APPARENTLY, I snore quite loudly, but how can she tell with all the filters and air pumps for her fish tanks (however many see has)? I also have bad nightmares & whine, cry and howl in my sleep.
I hope you don't do anything like that.. though sometimes I think Sarah is making it up.
I hope your Grandma gets better, and the VET finds out what is wrong, and can fix it quickly.
Oh, with the life time membership at Petco - who is that for, your pawrents, or you? ;P I think you, so you can gets lots of pretty dresses and cookies, and toys.. plus whatever else you want, eh, need. :P
Cuddles & licks,
Love Miley xxx
What a twixerific story! Love how you made your Daddy love you, as if he could resisit!
May all back breeders be born in the next life as mill puppies. You're lucky ot have a nice family Twix; and you're smart when it comes to getting the humans on your side!
What a great post, Twix! We had ours all set to go and blogger ate it:( We have enjoyed reading lots of the posts all over blogger. We loved finding out how you and your Dad came to be so close.
We had a feeling it might be something with Grandma. All paws crossed here for things to be OK.
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What a great story! You were so adorable as a puppy...even if you were a little stinker to your dad!
Paws are crossed over here for your grandma.
Awww Twix! You could win the heart of anyone!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Yay! Great Story!
Happy Turkey Day!
I loved reading again your story!
And the love you share with your Daddy!
Those are pawesome gifts for them!
I guess my mom would like to a king size bed... for the same reason... and it is only she and me!
I have my paws crossed and my mom is praying for your Grandma. I have faith everything will be fine.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Twixie...thanks for sharing your pawsome story! lol! Our Dad didn't like "dogs"...but then he never was owned by one (or two or three!)
We changed his mind pretty fast too!
(((Hugs)) your friends
Oskar, Schatzu & Xena
Hi Twix,
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and got to have some turkey.
Loved your story of how you became your Mommy's littl girl and how you got your Daddy. I bet he even gave you some turkey to go with his bread and butter.
Mommy just looooves that Sprint commercial. Shw giggles wheneer she sees it.
Our thoughts & prayers will be with your granny.
Hi Twix
We loved reading your adoption story. Adorable puppy pics and that photo of you kissing your dad is priceless.
Great shopping ideas.
Love Ruby & Penny
I think you should have kept on stealing the bread and butter ;)
TWIX!!!! my momma went into cuteness shock when her saw da Puppy Twix fotos!!! What a cutie patootie you were.....and I could tells it was you right away!!
I also loved your shopping list fur your mom and dad! You selected some very useful items! I know that herd of dachshunds would make my momma soooooooooooo happy too! (Her always says her wants a Dachshund Ranch)
Thanks so much for pawticipating in these events!! And we will most certainly be keeping all paws crossed fur your Grandma!
Your furrend,
What a great portrait of you and your dad, Twix! We love your story!
Our paws are crossed for your grandma.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hello Twix!
Happy Thanksgiving Day! Thank you for sharing your lovely story. Your photo with your Dad shows how much love you share for each other and we are glad it work out really well.
Great list of pressies for your pawrents. We got our paws crossed for your grandma. Sending you lots of healing vibes your way.
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max
We loved your post! Great story and great gift ideas!!
We have our paws crossed and are saying prayers for your grandma!
~Milly and Shelby
Hey Twix!
Love your adoption story! Cousin Frankie says to tell you he loves the part about stealing your dad's bread! BOL BWAR HAR Speaking of BOL, that video is hysterical! Frankie, Mamaw, Mom and I were howling at the herd of (d)oxen! Thanks for sharing.
Grr and a Chuckling Woof,
Hi Twix!
I love your story.
My dad also did not like little dogs when I came to the house, but now we LOVE each other.
Wow so many doxies in the movie!
Looks like you won your daddy's heart.
Hope you had a good holiday!!
Cooper and Lola
Great story! (Although we think your Dad should give you bread with butter just to stay on your good side. I'm just saying...) I am a little puzzled by the comment about how much space you take up on the bed. Now I understand how even small sized doggies such as yourself are able to expand to fill very large spaces on the Big Dog Bed Where The Humans Sleep, but seriously? How much space can you POSSIBLY take up? (Of course, we think you are entitled to the entire bed...) Just wondering... ;-)
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Twix what a beautiful post....mom and I so enjoyed reading every single word.
Madi and Mom
Hi Twix!!! Mom lost your address (*sigh*) - could you send her a pee-mail, please (lizdranowATmodernskiracingDOTcom) with your address, so she can send you a Christmas card? Thanks!!!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
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