Most of my long term followers know that my mom has a
"Paw Fetish".
It's not just a small problem she has either.
She is obsessed with my feeties!
She smells them and
kisses them and
rubs them and
lots of photos of them.
She does
not lick them though (whew!)

I'm starting to think she needs to be locked
in a padded doghouse!

And, now look what I found on the computer....
Photos of another dog's paws!!!!
OMD! I think my mom is cheating on me!
Woo might want to hide my post fur Tuesday ;-)
paws up!
that was a lovely post:)
El'bow & Hauwii
ha ha, you're soooooo funny Twixie!!!
you do have such clean paws......and i do think your mumster is "cheating"on you, ha!
shall i hire a detective for you???
You have lovely paws, no wonder she loves them.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
As long as she doesn't like cat paws, it's okay.
I, Puddles...personally thinks dis post is a relief. Now I knows my mum ain't da only freak out theres. My dad has a room on reserve fur hers...and it ain't at da Hilton!
Her goes around and snap snaps our feetsies aaaaaaaall da time too. Course, we don't lets her touch 'em though...hehehehe!
Gotta gives your mom props on da beautiful feet shots! Fab job!
What is it with mommys and dog feet. Ours goes crazy over da feet too.
your feeties are cute !!
Our Moms loves feeties too!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Waaaah! Who's mystery paws are those? Time to have an investigation! We love you paw photos. The power of paws are incredible.
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max
Hehe!! You do have quite nice soft and large looking paws for such a little dog, I don't blame your mom. I love paws too!!
w00fs, heehee Khyra did feeties last nite too..hmmm those last feeties dont look the same..
b safe,
Hi Twix, we find moms generally rather strange......!
We liked seeing your tootsies - wonder if your mom can read your furtune!
Don't worry we are sure all bloggers will understand your mom problem........we kinda all suffer with that!
Martha and Bailey xxx
Yep I remember ALL of your posts. I also remember that she calls them your Fritoes... beclawse we all know our feeties smell like those delicious thingys.
PeeS... I am still laughing about the Mini Puddles and Me post!!!
Your feeties are cute and I see a teddy bear on them just like on Chancy's. Hugs and nose kisses
Oh so cute!
I have to say.. this time I side with your mom. You have such cute FRITOES!
Have you learned anymore about the mystery feetsies?
Our Mom is always trying to tickle our toes:) Of course, she also has been spending lots of time washing some pup's girlie toes here - some girlie seems to like the mud a bit too much.
Do your toesies smell like Fritos too?
Thanks for the card - it was so nice and looked just like you.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
when i was a pup my feet smelled like popcorn.
woof - Tucker
Awww...with toesies as cute as yours, can you really blame your mom?
Wiggles & Wags,
Nah, with your paws your mum won't stray. She was probably just being kind to another paw person.
Yes, yes! The power of the toes! And you have such very lovely ones! Ever since I was a very little girl, my favorite word in the English language has been..."paw!" :)
I know how much your mom loves your paws!
And someone else's too!
Kisses and hugs
Oh my she better have a good story for this .....
wags and licks
I can see how she'd be in love with your feetsies - they are so cute! As for pictures of other doggie's feetsies? You might want to sit your Mom down and have a little chat with her. I'm just saying...
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
PeeEss: I've got voting up for my new name tag, so please stop by and vote - thanks! Thanks for your entry, BTW!
Our mom loves kissing our pawpads too, Twix! Does this mean that both of our moms should be locked up together?
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
BOL Twix!!
I wonder if there is a padded doghouse big enough for several blogmoms at da same time!!
Don't let dis secret out butt wienerdog paws are THE cutest of all!!!
PeeS. I can't beeleeve your mom be cheating on you with somebuddy elses paws!!! You crack me up!!!
Hi Twix....Puddles told us that your mom and her mom need to check into a place where they have padded cells and I just had to come over here to see is Puddles was right or not and I have to say that lots of blog moms/dog moms need to check into the Big House because they ALL do photograph their dogs in different angles BUTT they don't ALL broadcast it on the internet! However, your feeties are absolutely charming and I think you should feel awfully proud of them!
Pictures of another set of doggy paws??? How scandalous! But also irresistible. There is something about those doggy paws that just keep you coming back for more!
I can see why she is obsessed!
Such cute feety feets! :) They are so clean!
Mochi & Bali
hilarious. Last photo had me rolling with the comment below! : )
That was a very pawsitive post.
I think it is sweet that your Mom loves your feet.
But something is wrong if she is looking at some other pups feet!
woo woos, Tessa
That is a lot of paw photos! My Sarah also loves my tooties. Today she was all like 'we have to get the n=knots out and trim them all neat'. Why? She loves my paws.
Don't worry, you mum is NOT cheating on you Twix! She just loves paws... any paws. But yours are the cutest.
Cuddles & licks,
Love Miley xxxx
Pawesome post Twixie!
Our mom isn't in love with our feets. She says they are stinky. BOL
We got your card yesterday. Thanks for thinking of us.
Do your toes smell like Fritos? Our toes smell like Fritos. Momma yikes to smell 'em. She's really and really weird!
Twix, thank you so furry much for the pawsome Howlloween card!! We loves it!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
MOL Twix....precious toesies!!!
Mom told me Toto's (RIP, Mini-Doxie and first family pet)feet used to
smell like popcorn...she is just crazy!!! Has you mom ever told you that?
Hugs Madi
I don't want to say it's your fault because you have SUCH cute feety-feet, Twix, but honestly?!!? Who could blame your mom!?? Those tootsies are irresist---MOM, GET OFF OUR COMPUTER!!!!!!!
Sorry, Twix. Mom hi-jacked the computer, pretending to be us. I feel your pain. Our mom is like that, too. We totally empathize!
Play bows,
PS: Thank you so much! We got your card in the mail and it's so CUTE!!!!
My cat has calico paws. They are so darn cute.
Well Twixie Poo, our Mom can certainly understand your Mom's obsession with feetsies because your feetsies are absolutely adorable! And no, we don't think your Mom is cheating on you at all, she just has a weird foot fetish, BOL!
Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell
Pee Ess...thank you for thinking of us with your beaooootiful card, we were afraid that we had been forgotten because our secretary has been sorely neglecting blogging for us lately! We love you!
Hey Twix!
Great pix of your piddies. You have adorable toes. My folks like my feet too. It seems to especially make them giggle when I lay with my feet all piled up together. Sometimes I twist onto my back and stick my feet way up in the air...just to make them giggle. Humans are easy!
Grr and Woof,
hey twix! what great feets you do have!! my mom loves my feet too but i do not allow her to touch them very often. nice of you to allow these photos!
Hi Twix
I know just what you mean!! My mom is always rubbing my feet and stuff. Think they both are crazy huh??
Sure you can put the link to your blog for the christmas exchange. The more the merrier!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the 'Hula-weenie' card!!! We were so excited to get mail, and were super excited to see it was from you!!!! Thank you!!!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
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