I'm so lucky to have so many furiends!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Photo Book Giveaway Winner Is....

Before I tell you who won, it is very important to show you what happened.  I can't believe how I get treated around here somtimes. 

So, there I am, snuggled under the covers, getting some
un-needed beauty rest. Next thing I know there is a breeze sneaking in under the covers......

Momma tells me it is time to draw a winner for the Mixbook giveaway.  Now, I'm wondering why she felt the need to wait until I was sound asleep to do the drawing. 

 Next, she tells me to pick one of these little pieces of paper but instead I did a little doxie strut right over them.

So, she tried again, and this time I thought I should do some doga right on top of her little papers :o)

Mom tried one more time and I decided it was time to quit punishing her for waking me up.  I stuck my nose on one of the papers and she knew that was the one. I was sneaky about it though, she didn't get any photos!!!
And, (drumroll) the name I picked was.....

Oh, I forgot, the first pic Momma took was unreadable. Maybe I should start saving my treats so I can get her a photography lesson or two.  Here let's try the second one.

Congratulations, Brutus!!!!
 I can't wait to see what your mom comes up with for you and Carmen!!!!

If you guys remember when I did the card giveaway last month, I told you that Mom had taken a video of me "selecting" the winner and I told you it showed my doxie attitude. I haven't shown it to you yet but since today's drawing was pretty similar I thought now was a perfect time.

I don't know why she thinks she can get me to do something I'm not interested in. Seriously, which would you rather do? Look at some little papers or get some lovin from Dad?

Brutus, tell your mom to get started on your Mixbook and my mom will send her the information she needs later this week (probably Thursday).

For everyone else, the coupon code DOGMIX20 is still available for a 20% discount and that code has no expiration date.  Feel free to use it!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khongrats to Brutus and Khompany!


Barbara said...

Congratulations to Brutus and BOO for me!!

K9 Katastrophie said...

Congrats to the winner! And thank you Twix for hosting this fun giveaway!!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Congratulations to Brutus and Carmen too. Now I think you did a fine Dachshund style drawing. We tend to do thingys OUR way. You just wanted some DAD time... and I see that you got it. hehe
I was thinkin of you and your mom and GRANDMA this evening..

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

On ya, Twix! Interrupted your sleep? Want you to pick out a boring white paper? You did the doxie thing--go to Dad, do what YOU wanted to. Sounds right to us.

Congratulations to Brutus!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Lorenza said...

Congratulations to Brutus!
He is going to love it!
Aaaand... I loved your video!
I don't know why my mom had a good laugh watching your "Doxie Atitude". I guess she found it familiar!
Kisses and hugs

Scooter said...

CONGRATS to Brutus!!
How rude was that of her to wake you up Twix!! GEezzz....MOMS!!! Cnat live with em, cant live without em LOL


Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Well, at least you didn't eat any of the white papers, which is what we would have done. Then mama would have had to pick the winner our of our poop. Another good reason for you to handle the drawing.

We sure have our paws crossed for your grandma. We lost our grandma to cancer, except it happened before we were born so we never got to meet her. But mama still misses her lots.

Happy New Year, Twix!

Jed & Abby

Dandy Duke said...

Congratulations to Brutus!
We think there should have been a treat on every single one of those little papers, Twix!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

3 doxies said...

Bwhahahahaha...girl, you is doxie through and through...under da blankie, then you take your sweet time doin' stuffs...I loves it!
Congrats to Brutus and Carmen!

Just want to let you know we is thinkin' bouts your grandma too...give her kiss from me.


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Congrats to Brutus!! We know his Mom will enjoy making the book!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Dexter said...

Snuggles win every time. Great contest and congrats to Brutus.


The Daily Pip said...

BOL! Don't you just hate when they wake you up from a sound sleep!

Congrats to Brutus!

Your pal, Pip

Charlotte said...

Whohoo!! Congratulations Brutus!! Good job Twix!
Too bad these hoomans have such terrible timing, eh? Nothin worse than being woken up from a good nap! (cause we'd neeever to that to them, right?) *sheesh*

(((Hugs)) your friends'
Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Congrats to Brutus - we hope we get to see the Mixbook he and his humans put together.

You look so tiny next to your Dad's hand, Twix. And how rude of your Mom to disturb your nap - you looked so comfy all wrapped up there. Hope you have lots of warm blankies around - we here there is an Arctic blast headed here next week - stay warm, pal.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Brutus!!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

What a fun contest and congrats to Brutus for winning~

IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man

Ellen Whyte said...

Concats to Brutus!

Nadia said...

The pictures of you in bed are unbelievably cute!

Anonymous said...

Hi Twix,

Congrats to Brutus! Twix, you did a Grrreat job picking the winner!

woo woos, Tessa

Texas The Doxie said...

Congrats to Brutus!!!

Scooter said...

Hey Twix!
Wow, interrupting a good nap is always a bummer. You looked so comfy and snuggled. Oh well, I'm sure Brutus is glad you got down to business. Great pix of all the action!
Grr and Woof,

Sharon Wagner said...

My cat Hana actually pulled out one of my winners last time. She loves to chew papers before din, din time. I have a giveaway going right now. Congrats Brutus!

BRUTUS said...

How pawesome that I won! Mom has been so busy fixing teeth this week that we just now saw your post! Funny, I just thought about you this morning, and then mom comes home from work and told me your momma sent her an email that we (well, technically I - not "we") got picked to win your most superiffic prize! We'll get to work designing it this weekend - so many photos to chose from, so little time!!!

Thanks again!
Brutus the Frenchie

Zona said...

CONGRATS to Brutus!! I most love your doga!!


How Sam Sees It said...

Mom will definitely use that coupon!

Congratulations, Brutus.


Unknown said...

BOL Twix!!!!!

Da humans never seem to learn do they???? Now why would your mom think that you want to be awakened from you WELL DESERVED rest to pick a winner in da contest?!!! Her coundn't have da drawing when Twix is awake already?!?!??! BOL...sounds like something my momma would do....