I'm so lucky to have so many furiends!

Friday, December 31, 2010

Grandma Update and Christmas Stuff

Hi Guys! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and your New Year is "Twixerrific" as well!
I had a great Christmas and am a little late showing you the wonderful things I got! Hopefully you aren't Christmassed out and bored to death looking at my photos.
A note of warning: This is a long and picture heavy post. For some reason, Mom thinks she has to post most of the photos she took. She says it is because I'm so darn cute....I can't help that, ya know!

First off, I got a gift from Minna K in the mail because I joined Jazzi's Christmas Gift Exchange.
Thanks for hosting that Jazzi! It was great fun!

Mom made me wait to open it with my gift from Santa Paws. I wasn't all too happy about it either.

Momma made me open my Santa Paws gift first.
She said something about saving the best for last.
Ummmm.....aren't these my gifts?
Why can't I open the best first?

Whatever, just let me get in these boxes!

Something smells mighty tasty in here!

Scratch, scratch......

Sniff, sniff.....

Oooooh! I was right these are tasty!

I don't mean to talk with my mouth full.....
I just can't help myself!

So, Santa Paws brought me a box of Wellness Well Bars and a bag of Fruitables cookies.
 That's it!
 I musta been a naughty girl this year.
At least it wasn't coal, right?
Now, Minna's gift, that is something to talk about!

Mmmmmmm, I smell something good in here too!
Can somebody get this stuffing outta my way? 


I got my very own stocking!
Hey! What's in that box, Dad?

Pawesome! My very own ornament of ME!!!!

Lookie at all this wonderful stuff I got from Minna!!!!
A doxie card ;o)
2 bags of treats and ones I've not tried out before! Double ;o)
My ornament ;o)
A stocking with MY name on it ;o)
And check out the great Christmas collar/necklace ;o)

I better double check and make sure those humans got everything outta my box.
Thank you so very much, Minna Krebs!!!!
I love everything!
And thank you Jazzi for hosting such a wonderful
Blogville event!

Taste testing time!!!

You don't think I'm sharing these treats with you, do you?

Thanks to everyone who has asked about Grandma. We really appreciate your thoughts, crossed paws, and prayers.  And, we need them more than ever now.

Grandma saw the specialist last week and we learned that she has a type of Leukemia called Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML).  It is a rare type of Leukemia that the doctors believe was caused by her chemotherapy.  She will have to have a bone marrow/stem cell transplant. And with her type of Leukemia, they will have to kill the bone marrow she has now before the transplant so that the new cells aren't mutated by the bad ones. What that means is that she will have absolutely NO immunity system and will be confined to her house for 100 days afterwards, no visitors, only trips to the doctor's office.
Fortunately, my grandma has 5 brothers and sisters who are all willing to be tested as potential donors.  We are hoping one of them will be a match and she will be able to get started with her treatment as soon as possible. We are also hoping Grandma's insurance company will completely cover the expenses related to her treatment.
It is all so very hard to understand because it doesn't seem right or fair that something used to get rid of cancer can give it to you. Not right at all.

A few photos taken Christmas Eve of Grandma and Baby Elizabeth:

Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We will try to update you when we have new information.  Mom and I have not been leaving comments much lately and I know you understand. We do read your posts and you guys provide us laughter on days when we need it most!
If you are interested in finding out more about CMML,
 please click here.
If there is any incorrect information on here regarding CMML and treatment we apologize, this is how we understand things from the information we were given.


Cole said...

It looks like you got some good presents, Twix!

I'm sorry that your grandma is going to be in isolation for 100 days after her bone marrow transplant. I'm praying for her!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are so happy to see that you had a nice Christmas, Twix, and that you received some great pressies. Our human brother-in-law has an aunt who is going to have a bone marrow transplant too. It is all so complex. We will continue to think good thoughts and say prayers for Grandma to find that match and to do well with her surgery and recovery.

Happy New Year.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and the Momster

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, and we forgot to add how beautiful Baby Elizabeth is - she must bring great joy and lots of smiles to Grandma.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and the Momster

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Great pressies!

I'm sorry to hear about your grandma, but it's good that she's got a bunch of close relatives who are willing to be tested as donors. We'll keep our paws crossed for her!

Happy New Year!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

3 doxies said...

Oh what great stuffs you gots from Minna! Hers is just da bestest. Hmmmmm...wonders why hers didn't include any of Lucy's Avon (must haves been short on product on account of Christmas)
Twix and mom, I am so sorry to hears bout your grandma. I knows dis has to be a shock since her was doing so well. You knows we is praying and thinking real hard fur her and you and your mom too. We will be heres to get ya'll through dis. We love ya'lls!
Hey, you thinks they can take doxie marrow?
Dat little baby is squeedorable!


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Paws crossed there'll be a match. Poor Granma. Life's so unfair at times.

Taste testing time sounds great!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

We can see why your Mum couldn't decide which pictures to leave out. You are cute.

The Army of Four said...

Wow, what a lot of really cool Christmas presents! You must have been really, REALLY good this year!
Please know that we continue to pray for your grandma! We will also pray that they will find a match for her - it's awesome that her brothers and sisters will be tested!
We love you, Twix!!!
Tail wags,
PS: How 'bout those CHIEFS this year?!!?

Anonymous said...

Oh Twix, it really looks like you made out like a bandit! Wow!!!

It kina sounds like a good thing for your Grandma. I mean at least there is something that the doctors can do!

We will keep your Grandma in our prayers!

We look forward to another wonderful year with you!

Happy New Year!!!

woo woos, Tessa

Barbara said...

Oh Twix, I am very sorry to hear about your grandma...I am on the registry too...but to give, not receive. I hope all goes well for her.

I want to wish you a wonderful new year. 2011 will be better, right?

K9 Katastrophie said...

We will pray for your Grandma. I hope she gets better soon! What cool gifts you got!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dear Twix, Mom and Dad... and your sweet Grandma... You all know that you can count on us to keep you in our hearts and prayers and to send you ALL our Love and VIBES.

Girrrl you had one fantastic Christmas. Love all the thingys you got.. and I truly understand that Certain Picture and Certain comment... about Not Sharing. I don't think Santa Paw really Expects us to Share our stuffs.. at least until next December. hehehe

Amber DaWeenie said...

Twix and family....This is the season of miracles I am told, so we will all keep our paws crossed and keep sending only the super good vibes to your Grandma that all of this will only be a bad dream by the time next Christmas gets here.

Nice presents.....You must have been a very good girl this year.

Yappy New Years to all of you and prayers for a happy, healthy, 2011 to all of you from all of us.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Paws khrossed there will be matches - and it will happen 'soon' -

What great pressies woo got -

AND thanks fur sharing all the pawesome pikhs!

Here's to 2011 being a healthier and happier year!

Khyra and Khompany

Kate said...

Oh dear Twixxy we are sorry to hear about your Grandma and paws, fingers and toes are crossed for a matching doner and everything else that follows.

You were a very spoilt girl for christmas! Hope you got lots of snuggles from everyone too!

ocmist said...

Hey, Twixie, we are so happy to see that you had a great Christmas and got lots of presents! We agree with your Mom… we LOVE to see lots of cute pictures of you… never to many!!!

We are so sorry to hear about you Grandma’s health issues. That happened with Grammy’s Mom, too. She got a different kind of cancer from the radiation they used to “cure” the original one. We will be praying for success with the treatments that they use on your Grandma now! Love, and have a Happy and God Blessed New Year, Twix and Family!

Duke said...

Our paws are crossed for your grandma, Twix.
What nice Christmas pressies you got!
We wish you and your family a happy, safe and healthy New Year!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Mochi and Bali said...

We are keeping our paws crossed for your grandma!

Looks like you had a great Christmas!

Happy New Year!!! :)

Mochi & Bali

Anonymous said...

Wow you scored on the presents Twix. Happy New Year we missed you.

Charlotte said...

Wow Twixers, talk about hittin' the motherload! You received some pawsome prezzies ....and we love Mina Krebs...
Baby Elizabeth is simply adorable...for a hooman, lol!
You know you & your family are in our pawyers for your wonderful Grandmother...

(((hugs)) your friends
Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

kalyxcorn said...

lovely presents, twix! and i just know you'll take good care of your grandma. we are all thinking of her! :) b

Kari in Alaska said...

you sure got some awesome pressies :)


Ruby's Raiser said...

We'll be thinking about your grandma. Hoping that a match is found quickly and her time confined at home passes quickly too. If she needs a pen pal to help pass the time, just let me know! :)

Piappies World said...

Happy New Year to you Twix and family! We thank you also for the card you sent. We really appreciate your thoughtfulness.

We have our paws crossed for your Grandma.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

Lorenza said...

Happy New Year Twix and Family!
You got lots of pawesome and yummy presents!
We will be praying for your grandma all the time!
I hope they find the match for her transplant!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Dexter said...

We will keep your grandma in our thoughts. That sounds so scary. I bet seeing your happy face cheers her up a ton.

Nice haul on the pressies for sure. Gosh, that box of cookies is as big as you.


Tucker said...

So sorry to hear about your Grandma's sickies. We hope everything works out well for her and your family.

woof - Tucker

Unknown said...

I am so glad you enjoyed your pressies, Twix!!! I'm glad your mom decided to post so many Christmas fotos of you.......cuz we sure think you are CUTE in them all!

We will continue to keep paws crossed fur your Grandma......we think of you and her so very often.

Hugs to you,