I'm planning to get back to work at the Blogville City Offices this week but, I've been injured. I have something called a hot spot on my toes.
It goes down in between my toes and is very sore. I know, it isn't pretty but the worst part is that the V.E.T. says I did it to myself! I am not very happy that my doctor said that......
....as you can see by my face.
Momma says I have to wear this all the time because I won't leave my sore alone and because the V.E.T. says it would be bad for me to lick the medicine off of it.
I have to go back to the doctor on Tuesday and hopefully I won't be a lampshade model when I get home because my sore is looking a lot better now.
My grandma is home from the hospital and doing better. She is still on oxygen and her V.E.T. told her that it might be a while before she doesn't need it any longer. She is still weak but we live close by so Daddy and Momma can help her and Grandpa most days. Grandma has to get plasma and platelets several times a week due to her leukemia.
Thank you all for sending her lots of POTP and prayers while she was in the hospital. She was really, really sick and needed as much help as she could get. I know she is also thankful for your support.
For Stanley's eyes only:
I've really missed you but I'm glad to be back to work so I can admire your Monkey Buns!