Well, as usual, Mom has been neglecting her duties as my blogging secretary. I really don't know what on earth I'm gonna have to do to remedy this problem.....any ideas?
Apologies go out to
Fresh Pet for our delay in getting this review out. My recent health troubles have really put us behind in all things blogging.
Now, I am about 2 months behind on giving you a report on those
Fresh Pet products I received right before my birthday.
You do remember that don't you?
Here's a reminder:
First of all, Mom was pretty surprised in what was sent to me to try out. Our box contained the following products:
I'll let Mom give her review first and then I will let you know what I thought and share some pics and video with you.
First of all, I would like to say Thank You to
Fresh Pet for selecting Twix to try and review their fabulous food. If you aren't familiar with
Fresh Pet you can read their philosophy
here. They use all natural ingredients and minimally cook them in order to preserve the nutrition. I like the fact that they don't use any preservatives either. I want you all to know that they asked me to write an honest review and that says a lot about their products right there.
As most of our followers know, Twix has had some severe hair loss issues recently but she has had some degree of hair loss all her life. As a puppy, I was told it was food allergies and I spent a lot of time researching more natural and high quality foods for her. Earlier this year, her hair loss became much more significant and it was determined to be a thyroid issue. We started Twix on thyroid medication around the same time we started using
Fresh Pet. I don't know if her hair regrowth is from one or the other or both. I can tell you that originally we were told that there was a possibility that her hair would not grow back at all. As most of you have seen, her hair is continuing to grow back and it is looking great!
I cannot think of any negatives with
Fresh Pet but I would say that the positives include: easy to feed, Twix LOVES it, good varity, healthy for her, wonderful ingredients (and I can pronounce everything on the label!). I know that isn't everything I have thought of as I've fed this to her but I am honestly very pleased with the products and their overall quality. It's nice to give her treats that I feel are healthier for her as well. The
Dog Joy treats are soft enough to hid a pill in too!
Enough from me....back to the star of A Wiener Dog Blog!
I have to say, I fell in love with this food! Momma and Daddy would give me some when they got home from work everyday. It didn't take long until I was crying and whining as soon as they walked in the door because I knew what was coming. Momma would always make me go out and take care of business first. Every day I would go tearing across the floor in order to get into the kitchen as fast as possible. I tried to make the trip just a teensy bit shorter one time and ran right into the side of the book case! Don't worry, it didn't stop me or even slow me down.
That is what Momma is holding in that very first photo of me.
Can you say YUM-MY?
Mom and Dad decided to give me 1/2 the daily amount recommended for my size so that I would eat dry food too. I didn't really like that decision but I didn't get much choice. Momma took a roll of the slice and serve and cut it into bite size pieces and put them in individual serving bags and froze them.
I love those soooo much!
It was like a meat popcicle....
What more could a dog want on a hot summer day?
And this is what the slice and serve looks like when it isn't frozen ;o)
Look at those yummy carrots and peas!
I'm drooling just thinking about it!
Here is a collage of photos of me eating the
Again, YUMMY!
This stuff has gravy on it!!!!!
I am out of the
Fresh Pet Select products that was sent to me and Momma has gone to two different stores to get some and came back empty handed. She thought one of the stores she went to had it because she had been told that this grocery store chain carried it. I guess not all of them carry it. The second store is just starting to carry it and haven't gotten any in yet. Momma promised me she would call every day and see if they have it in yet.
I can't wait!