I'm so lucky to have so many furiends!

Monday, August 30, 2010

What I Got!

A couple of weeks ago, Mom and I received an unexpected package in the mail from the bestest furiend a girl can have, Lorenza
I have to say, unexpected packages are the best!

Inside was this lovely card....

And this pretty box....

The box contained this beautiful bracelet for Mom!

Lorenza's Mom made it just for my Mom, wasn't that super nice?
Mom says it looks very pretty on her wrist.
Thanks Lorenza's Mom!

Well, as you might guess from the card,
there was something in there for me too.....

A new dress!
With dachshunds on it!
Made by Lorenza's lovely Grandma!
I wore it last time I went to the V.E.T.

I'm not too happy about going there again....

But, Daddy let me drive the car!
(Ok, I know you can see the speedometer is on zero but it was fun to pretend while we were at the stoplight)

The V.E.T.'s office has a pair of birds.

They were whistling at me.....
you know, the kind of whistle that says
"Twix, you look pretty in your new dress".
I promise I wasn't thinking about eating them.......

Oh! And here is one of my xrays....
you can't see anything on it but I sure look long, don't I?
Dr. Abby said I was full of you know what!

Lorenza and Mom, thank you so very much for my new dress and Momma's bracelet! You two are wonderful friends and we are so blessed to know you!

My buddy Joey is still in the doggie hospital but is slowly showing some improvement.
Thanks to everyone who stopped by last week and gave him some encouragement.
Feel free to send him some more get well wishes at his blog here.
 His family still prints out the comments he gets and reads them to him every day.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


It looks like all the urine testing that was done came back normal.  That is good but it means that we will be going to a specialty clinic sometime soon and having a sonogram. 
Can I tell you how sick I am of going to the vet? 
Better yet, I will show you.....
This is how our conversation went......

First I hear, "Twix, we have to go to a new vet for more tests"

Then she tells me that my urine tests were normal.

Hold on, Momma, I hear something in the kitchen.

Next she tells me about these other tests
and what they will be doing.

Then I roll my eyes at her but I know she doesn't see me.

I give her my best sad face and pathetic look
to see if I can get out of it.

I sure hope it works.

By the way, my furiend Joey at "The Long and Short of It All" just had some major surgery and has been experiencing some complications.  I would love it if you could stop by and give him and his family some encouragement.  His family prints out the comments he gets and reads them to him to make him feel better ;o)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

On Our Way

Hero and I left our homes last week and are on our way to
The Wedding of the Century

I told Hero to jump on the first flight out and we would just enjoy ourselves on our way to Thunder Bay.

Um, Hero, that isn't exactly what I meant......
Please be careful!
(Just between you and me, I worry about that boy sometimes)
Fortunately, he made it to my house just fine. 
 He won't talk about the details of his flight though.

We hopped on our motorcycles and took off to the north.
Pay no attention to those "training wheels" on our bikes. 
They are only there to help us balance the bikes when we are sitting still.....you know, I don't have very long legs.

We did some white water rafting in Minnesota.
I wasn't too happy when Hero tipped the raft and I fell in the water.
I really don't like getting wet.....it messes up my new furs.
He looked at me with those big eyes of his
 and told me he was sorry.
I forgave him in an instant!

Then we hopped on a plane to take us the rest of the way.
 I didn't realize they weren't landing in Thunder Bay.....
Look out Frankie, Ruby, and Penny!
Here we come!

Don't forget to visit the wedding blog,
 to see those 3 take their vows.

PS: no news from the vet yet 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Note from Mom

Hi all! I just realized that it has been a week since I helped Twix put up a new post.
She walked right up to me and told me I was a slacker!
 Can you believe that?
 She has some nerve, huh?

Truth is, I have been slacking on blogging lately. Not just with our posts but also with commenting. I do have a good reason, I have been trying to research what is going on with my girl. Most of our followers know that Twix has had blood in her urine recently. Looking back, I think this has been going on for a couple of months now. Last time we posted about this (here), Twix told you she was taking a second round of antibiotics and we were waiting to see if that cleared it up. She also took a third round of antibiotics for an  even longer time. The medication did not clear it up.

We have been making several trips to the vet lately....so much that I think Twix is starting to hope she doesn't hear the word "ride" ever again. The good news in all this is that she doesn't act like she is in pain or sick at all.  And we know her fur is growing back so that is a positive as well. The last couple of times she was at the vet we did some xrays to see if we could see any bladder or kidney stones and we did not see any.

That sounds good, right?

And I should be happy, right?

I'm not.

 It makes me worry that there is something more serious going on and that is what I have been researching which is probably not a good thing for me to be doing right now. As you can imagine, there are lots of things that can go wrong with a dog's kidneys, bladder, and everything in between. I know this could still turn out to be something small and easy to fix but everything inside me is yelling this is bad, very bad. What I read last night that has me the most scared is that if it is some sort of cancer it is usually very advanced by the time there is blood in the urine. And, Twix has a lot of blood in her urine.  The doctor said it looks like kool-aid. At our last visit Monday, she said she doesn't see any masses but they don't necessarily always show up on an xray. She also told us that she doesn't think Twix has cancer because she seems to be getting healthier since we put her on the thyroid meds and most of the time she sees the opposite.....dogs lose weight, have very little energy, and just don't look good in general. She sent off some of Twix's urine for some testing and we are waiting for the results to come back, hopefully before the end of the week.

Needless to say, we could use some prayers
and crossed paws right now.
Thanks to all of you for being our friends and
for your support when we need it!

Sorry, this is kind of a long, depressing post. How about something to make you smile.....

I will let Twix get back to posting when we get some new information from the vet.  Also, we got a surprise in the mail this week and we want to share it with you.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wordless Wednesday (for the most part)

My mom likes this picture so I told her we could post it today even though it is a couple of months old, which you can probably tell by how thin my furs are. 

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Answer on Flower Friday

A large majority of you were correct in guessing that I was eating watermelon in my Wordless Wednesday photos.
I knew I had smart furiends!

 Since today is Flower Friday, I thought it would be appropriate to show you a watermelon bloom.
flowers picture vegetable0145.jpg
Not the prettiest flower on the planet but it sure does make something wonderful to eat!

Here are Wednesday's photos before being turned into
"coloring book" images:

No, I did not eat that whole piece of watermelon.
Mom always gives me a piece that looks like this when she is done cutting it up:
See, no teeth marks yet!

Now, for those of you who have not ever eaten a watermelon this way, I will demonstrate.
Any questions?

One more thing......
Today is Momma's birthday!
Do you think I might get some cake?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

For Phantom

This is my furiend Phantom and he lives over at
 The Chronicle of Woos
The OP Pack.
Phantom had to have a malignant tumor removed from his chest last summer. His mom told us at the time that due to the kind of tumor Phantom had there was a good chance he would get another one. His mom is so wonderful and gives him full body massages as a way to check for any lumps or bumps he might have. This last week she found one on the side of his handsome face. Right now, they are waiting for blood work to come back and if it looks good then Phantom will have surgery again on Tuesday.

I know that most of my furiends know
Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara.
 If you don't, please feel free to stop by and offer them some encouragement because I know this is a hard time for their family.  

I've got my front paws crossed.....

......and my back paws crossed.....

.....and I'm saying some extra prayers for Phantom.