I'm so lucky to have so many furiends!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Happiest Howl-o-wiener!!!!

Hallowiener Pictures, Images and Photos

Now, before I get to the great news, I want to show you what my parents made me do yesterday.

In case you can't tell, I had been in the big bed asleep when they subjected me to this!

Just imagine being sound asleep, dreaming of chasing AND catching a squirrel and then having this done to you!
Rude I tell you! What is with these people?

That was all I was willing to subject myself to.
 I had to get that thing off my head!
Now, on to the happy news!!!!

Those of you who have been following me for a while might remember that my Aunt Shannon (who also works at my V.E.T.) and Uncle David were expecting.

Well, I would like for you all to meet Elizabeth Denise!!!!

She was born 10/29/10 and weighed 9 lbs 13 ozs, 21.5 inches long!!!  I think she looks an awful lot like her big sister, Kayla, and I can't wait to meet her!
That is the best photo we have right now because my momma, the dummy, forgot her camera both times she has been to the hospital.  This photo was taken with her cell phone while she was holding Elizabeth.
David, Shannon, Kayla, and Elizabeth are all doing well and will probably get to come home from the hospital tomorrow.

I hope every furiend gets lots and lots of treats today!!!
Boo! Happy Halloween! Pictures, Images and Photos


Ruby's Raiser said...

Congrats to Aunt Shannon and her family! And congrats to your mom and dad on outdoing themselves with the adorableness of you in that hat! :D

Scooter said...

Well, Twix
YOu do look pretty darn cute there!! We just have to appease them long enough to get the picture and they are happy campers!! HEY!! I gotta wear a Taco around that I can even eat!! Arrgggg..BOL

ANd that little baby is just soo cute. She looks really alert and you will like playing with her. FYI for future, watch out for the ear/tail pulling ok?? It can be a real Pain!!


Piappies World said...

Happy Howl-o-wiener, Twix!

Congratulations to your Aunt Shannon and welcome to the world to lil Elizabeth Denise!!!

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

You gots a NEW BABY PEEP in your family???? YOU are sooooo lucky. Those thingys smell soooooo goood. Good enough to snuggle with. And that one is soooo cute.
Sorry your mom and dad were so mean to you and made you get UP and put that stuffs on. Butt you really do look quite spiffy.
>>><<<<< NOW.. have you heard that Indiana and Shingo and Molly have gotten a HOLIDAY CARD X-CHANGE STARTED????
You can send all your information to them at
YOur name addy your blog name and your email addy.
ALSO... PLEASE spread the word about this to your followers.
SEE... when T W I X speaks.. We LISTEN!!! hehehe

Kari in Alaska said...

Happy halloween!


George The Lad said...

Hey Twix
Happy Halloween, sometimes you just have to put up with what mom and dad does to you, just humour them, you looks great anyway
Congrant to your Aunt Shannon, blimmy good weight to :0
Twix can you stop by my bloggie tomorrow I've got some things I'm doing and I love you to join in, if mom and dad don't mind
See Yea George xxx

JD and Max said...

Hi Miss Twix,

Awww, Elizabeth Denise is adorable, we bet she'll love you to bits when you get to meet her!

And Miss Twix - who knows what goes through the minds of humans sometimes? We felt you humoured yours very well when they dressed you up - we salute your patience! But - we hope you don't mind us saying - you DO make a very cute witch!

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Happy Halloweiner!!!

Congratluations on the baby news!

BTW- you looked Twixerrific in the costume!

Unknown said...

u make a beautiful witch!
Did u get to scare anyone?

CONGRATULATIONS to your Aunt. Elizabeth is a very cute human pup. you are very lucky, twix...u have a playmate now:)

Happy Howloween..
wags, Buddy n Ginger

Lorenza said...

Hi, Twix!
It was rude that they woke you up in that way... but you look adorable!
Congratulations to aunt Shannon and Uncle David!
Elizabeth Denise is beautiful!
I am sure you can't wait to meet her!
Happy Hallowiener!
Kisses and hugs

K9 Katastrophie said...

What a beautiful baby! Happy Halloween, Twix!


Raising Addie said...

Happy Halloween Twix!

LOVE your costume!

Your new non-furry little friend is beautiful!

Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Twix, we have to say you do look very cute in your costume, but we are so glad we escaped that horror this year. Congrats on the new little one, isn't she just adorable?

Happy Howl-o-ween!

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Barbara said...

Happy Howloween Twix! You have a beautiful new baby!!

Lacy said...

w00fs, u looks cute in your halloweenie outfit...Thatt's a cutie baby...and can me has a bite of that cake..

b safe,

Abby said...

Hi, Twix...

You look adorable in your costume...But they could have waited until you got up from your nap...BOL

I haven't been around much lately, but I have thought about you alot...

Congrats on the new baby...They are alot of fun...

I love our little Baby Kaydence, she is fun to play with, but I'm still waiting for her to start dropping food...

Abby xxxooo

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

What a cute little pup. But a big one, huh.

We'd like to have a bit of that Halloween bone cake. Hope you got some.

Oh, and you look cute in your costume, even if you were rudely awakened.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Anonymous said...

Sorry your nap was interrupted but you do look cute in that hat. Happy Halloween!

Congratulations! Elizabeth Denise is adorable. Hugs and nose kisses from all us to all of you.

Zona said...

I'm with you - I don't understand these people either but I have to say you look awfully cute!

And so is Elizabeth Denise! Congratulations!!


Dexter said...

No doubt they had to sneak up on you with that outfit. You would have never agreed to it otherwise. Just go with it, sigh. You do look kind of adorable.


Granite State Pet Sitting said...

Congratualtions! We Love Babies, and think Elizabeth is very cute!
Sorry that you were woke up by the Paparazzi they seem to wake us up alot also.
Hope You had a Wonderful Treated Filled Halloween.
Your Friends

BRUTUS said...

Oh Twix, you are the bestest witchweenie ever!! Love the Halloweenie cartoon too! Hope you had a good night & didn't get too freaked-out by the trick-or-treaters (we did). Congrats on the new addition to the family!!

Darth Brutus & the Queen

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy HOWL-o-ween!


PeeEssWoo: What a khute treat! One of my mom's names is Denise so we like that!

Ellen Whyte said...

Congrats to Aunt Shannon and her family! Your mum has obviously gone bonkers: not just with the dressup but also with the poor memory. This is to time to tell her you haven't had dinner yet. Honest. Nope, she forgot....

Marla said...

That's awesome! Yes, yes, yes . . would love to take some pics of that cute "little" baby girl! Just let me know Twixie!

Scout and Freyja said...

Our momma is droolin' over that human pup but we are droolin' over that DESSERT!

Corrin said...

Twix, you look absolutely dapper in your costume.

Anonymous said...

I'm awfully sorry you gots so rude wakened up but gosh, the fact is, Twix, you look awfully Most Cute!

And congratulations on the little human bean. She's BEAUTIFUL!

Happy Howl-o-ween!

Wiggles & Wags,

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Oh Twix1 You was a witch too. Your Mommy & my Mommy must think alike.

Oh I wish you lived in Texas too!! We go to lots of wiener dog events and I know you would love them. I bet you could even work in the kissing booth with me.

That caake lood Yummylecios!! Was it good?> Got aby leftovers?


Anonymous said...

Oh Twix sorry that you were interupted in your nappy time. But your costume sure is a cute one!

As far as your new niece goes, why is she not named Twix Elizabeth Dennise???

Happy HOWL-o-ween!

woo woos, Tessa

Anonymous said...

Hi Twix - you can put the witch costume away for another year.
Congrats to Aunt Shannon!

Duke said...

We think you make a cute witch, Twix!
Elizabeth Denise is just beautiful!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh Twix you are the pretties witch we have ever seen and purple looks great on you.

Elizabeth is a beautiful baby girl...when you meet her give her little toes a lick from us.
Hugs Madi and Mom

kalyxcorn said...

oh me loves your costume! and that there tiny pink human is really cute, too!! :) b.

Amber DaWeenie said...

Hey, Congrats on da new little bundle of joys. And, Twix, you do look so weenie-like in da witch hat. My brudder, (Max DaOdderWeenie) really needs one of dos hat things for his weenie head.

Remington said...

Congrats to your Auntie! Love you costume. I hope you had the best Halloween EVER!

Charlotte said...

Twix - you are both beautiful!!! You in your adorable costume & Eliabeth is darling! Congratulations to all!

(((Hugs)) your friends
Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

*snort* - Mommy the dummy....Oskar is snickering over that one!!!

Oskar said...

I am so lucky that my dad person doesn't let my mom person dress me up. If it's any consolation, you do look pretty cute.

That human puppy is adorable, too!

Nubbin wiggles,

Unknown said...

Happy belated halloween! Your costume was adorable and congrats on the new human!!

The Musketeers said...

Happy HOWLOWWEN! Looking good in that costume :)

Martha said...

Hi Twix, here we are, chasing out tails again!
First of all what an absolutely adorable little human!
Congrats to all.
Now the Halloween indignity - what can we say!
These humans are very easily amused and we dogs are easy targets.
The trouble is we are so good natured and the pesky humans take advantage.
Having said that we did think that hat added a certain air of glamour to you Twix.
A whole year before the next Halloween.
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxx

Dexter said...

TWIX! Thanks for the Halloween card. It really made my day to see your happy self.


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! How cute. Glad you had a great Halloween Day. Please check my Wordless Wednesday post tomorrow. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

the teacher's pets said...

I do agree that your parents should have waited until you were fully awake before subjecting you to such torture; however, you do look awfully cute in that costume and I'm glad you shared the pictures with us!
Congrats to your Aunt...what a beautiful baby!

Ruby and Penny said...

You make a darling WitchyPoo. Love the costume.
Congrats on the addition to your family. She is gorgeous.
Love Ruby & Penny