I'm so lucky to have so many furiends!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

It's Friday!

I don't know about you guys but I am ready for the weekend!
My mom keeps mumbling something about a short week being a long week.
I don't get it. What is she talking about?
She also keeps saying things about me getting old.
Old? What is she talking about?
Just cause my birthday is coming in a couple weeks she is getting all mushy. Eleven isn't old is it?
So, my furs are turning gray....well, the furs I still have anyway. So, maybe I don't have as much pep in my step as I used to. So, I'm a little grumpier than I was.
I'm pretty sure Mom has a lot a few gray furs of her own and believe me, she can be grumpy! And I'm fairly certain she has taken a few naps with me which means she must not have any energy. I think I will go around and tell her she is getting old....she has a birthday coming up too!
Do you think that will get her to shut up not worry so much about my age?

It's Flower Friday!
Here is a photo of a Dorchid....
Doxie + Orchid = Dorchid
Get it?
Ok, I know its not great but it is the best I could do with this 'old' brain of mine.
Besides, Mom has not been out taking flower photos for me to use and we still don't have a new computer so I can access all my pictures.

Happy Weekend!


Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Twix, you've got a young, handsome Shar Pei all crazy for you. I guess if you're getting old then everyone should be old like you. You've kept your figure and your looks. Maybe you've slowed down a step or so, but from what I know about short haired dachshunds, you can afford to slow down a little. When it comes to doxies, 11 isn't so old. Just think of our local doxie heroine, Chanel. Yes, she went to the Rainbow Bridge this year, but she was 21 plus a little! That would leave a lot of good years ahead for you.

wags, Lola

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Um, it could just be me, but 'Dorchid' sounds a lot like 'Dork-id' - and I know you're not a dork, so you might want to consider changing the name... I'm just saying... As for age? Eh. It's just a number. TaiChi was almost 20, and while she was a little grouchy at times, she did quite well for herself. And, she said that grey furs were just a sign of her wisdom and experience. So there! (But I'd keep working the nap angle - naps are always good!)

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Mutan Puppy

Nubbin' Tails said...

Old? What is she crazy! My 100lb brother is 13 and we don't thinks he's old. Goofy, yes; old, no! And my sister is only 5 and has a face full of grey fur so that doesn't mean diddly! I'm sure you got all kinds of time!


Mr. Nubbin'

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That's one of the prettiest Friday Flowers woo've shared!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Lorenza said...

Hi, Twix!
You are a beautiful Dorchid!
My mom says something about age...
Old the hills and still they turn green again and again!
Happy Friday!
Kisses and hugs

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Dorchid.....we love it. You curl up so sweetly. We always stretch out or sleep on our backs, so we'd never look like a flower. Have a good weekend. (And we don't think you're old.)

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Kate said...

But a very pretty dorchid it is indeed!

Don't worry about it Twixxy, I am only 4 years old and I have grey furs all over my chinny-chin-chin!

You may be getting older, but wiser too!

Have a fantastical weekend!

DoMoFi said...

No Trix 11 aint old! My uncle Stein(CHH) is coming to 16 and still play like a pup! lol

D.K. Wall said...

Our hu-dad's theory is that short weeks are long weeks because every day is two days. Huh? Well, Tuesday is Monday and Tuesday, which makes Wednesday Tuesday and Wednesday - and so on.

3 doxies said...

Now Twixaroo, tell your mum my Uncle Clyde is a doxie and he is 13yrs old and still acts like a puppy. He's all grey, half blind, he has been mauled by a boxer 3 times and broke his shoulder but that boy can still run circles round da younger ones.
You will still be beautiful with grey hairs or no hairs...now your mum may be a different story though. Don't tell hers I said that, ok.

pees: My mum has had nuttin but doxies her entire life. Her has had a Sam, Sampson, Snitzel, Scooter, and a Droopy. I am da furst female though...and I'm thinking da last...hehehehehe!

Duke said...

No way is eleven old! I'm 11 and you should see the energy that I can muster up!
Grey furs give us distinction, Twix!

Love ya lots,

Zona said...

OLD? I think you look as cute as a new pup in that dorchid pic! My sister is part-Doxie and mom says she's going to live for 32586 years so 11 is only the beginning!

Cali turned gray when she was only 6. She's almost 9 now and still spunky as ever, despite the gray hairs. Hmmm.. could it have been me and Phoenix making her prematurely gray? Try to go easy on your mom - they hate to think of us getting older.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

hehehe You mad a FUNNY. Dorchid. I love it. harrrrroooo
I don't think 11 is old at all.

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

Twix, we think your gray hairs make you very distinguished and wise looking! When is your birthday? Lilibell's birthday is June 17! We're going to have two birthday girls this month!!

Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Don't worry Twix!! We think you're as spry as a spring chicken and then some!!! Who knows? Maybe yous are frosting your furs!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Remington said...

You are as young as you feel....I am sure glad you don't act your age....

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Poor Twix...Those Mamas can be so cruel sometimes!! We think you don't look any older that 2 at the most....PLUS, you are a very cute dorchid!!

Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob & Bilbo

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Twix....yes Mom is picking on you...tell her what goes around comes around. If she doesn't understand maybe she'll at least be dizzy from all the arounds...
Madi and Mom

Mochi and Bali said...

Love your Dorchid pic! It's perfect! :)


Anonymous said...

OMD you are a BEAUTIFUL Doxie DorChid!!!

Tell your Mom to CHILL!!! To enjoy you today and not worry about the unknown tomorrow!

Hugs, Tessa

Martha said...

Twix, you are the most beautiful Dorchid. In fact we have never seen one before!
Tell your mom you are not old - you are mature and like a good wine you are getting better with age.
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxxx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

No THAT's a great flower on Friday, Twix. But hey, did you order all this hot weather? We are dying here - we need to get rid of our furs.

Happy weekend.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Your mommas full of hog wash...BOL You don't look a day over 5! Happy almost 11th birthday.

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

kalyxcorn said...

aw, a pretty little flower indeed!! :)

Kapitein Haakje said...

happy weekend to twix :D

El'bow & Hauwii

Bijou said...

Hi Twix,

I don't think I've ever seen a dorchid before! Hope you are having a good weekend.


ocmist said...

Hey! Your Mom needs to watch who she's calling old! I turned 11 in April! Now she's gone and given MY Mom ideas on why I'm a bit grumpy (she is too when her back and hip hurt her!) I bet she'd snap at her grandkids if they didn't watch what they were doing and knocked into her, too!

We can still turn a guys eyes if we WANT to... just who wants to very much anymore?! OC

Scout and Freyja said...

You are NOT old. You should see all the years our momma has on her. Now THAT is old☺