I'm so lucky to have so many furiends!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Not Feeling Good

I haven't been feeling too good the past couple of days.
Because of that I went to the V.E.T. again today.
That is twice in one week :o(
They aren't sure if my back is bothering me or if I am having tummy trouble again. But they are sure I am having pain by the way I am acting.
I just don't really care too much about anything right now.
I won't go up or down the steps out front, get on the couch or get in Mom or Dad's lap.
So, Dr. Abby gave me shot with some pain medication in it before we left and then sent home some pain pills and an antibiotic in case I am getting that same tummy infection I had before.
I didn't even go in the kitchen when Mom was fixing dinner and I am always under her feet in the kitchen. Momma says you can tell by the look in my eyes when I don't feel good.
What do you guys think?
A couple of my furiends have asked about my Grandma, thanks! She is doing good right now but is very tired most of the time. She hasn't started her treatments yet so hopefully we will be able to wait until after Christmas so she won't be sick then.
Thanks again to everyone for your care, concern, and prayers.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We hope both of woo feel some improvement soon!


kalyxcorn said...

oh no. I hope you feel better soon, twix!!!!
(and grandma too!)


Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

You do look as though you do not feel good. Hope you feel better soon!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

ocmist said...

You and your Grandma are in our thoughts and prayers. It is a stressful time of year anyway, and to be sick is the pits! We are sorry we haven't had a chance to come around, but are doing back up reading now.

We started on your posts for a few weeks ago and thought we'd better come to your most recent post to check on your Grandma, and now we find you down too.

This winter time is pretty hard on me, too with my bum hips and back, so I'm not terribly chipper either and feel for you. I'm doing better since Mom started me on Dr. Frank's Joint Pain Relief which one of her friends used on her 15 year old dog and it helped him alot. It took about 3-4 weeks before it really made a big difference for me, but it IS helping a lot and I only have trouble now if I overdo on our Squirrel Patrols... then I'm pretty stiff in the evening. Anyway, she got it online, and I thought I'd mention it to you. OC

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dear Furend, I have been putting off making my list for Santa Paws. I couldn't think of anything I wanted.... NOW I KNOW WHAT TO ASK FOR.
Dear Santa Paws,
Please send a big box of good health to my furned Twix. She can share with her grandma.
I know that Twix has been a very good girl all year. Me not so much. Sooo you dear old Shelf, Just send the health thing to my furend and I will be very much happy.
Thank you.

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear sweet Twix,
Mom and I are so sorry to see you aren't feeling well. You do look kind of pitiful in your eyes. We hope the Vet visit has given you some relief and you will feel much better very soon. Big get well hug from Mom and Madi

koko said...

Hi Twix,

Being under the weather really sucks... hope you will get better soon... sending healing vibes to you and grandma. Take care, ya!

Licks, hero

sadermaxx said...

Hi Twix

Your mom is right, your eyes do say that you don't feel to good.
We hope to see that sparkle back soon.
We have our paws crossed for you and for your grandma.

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

Oh no Twix, you look so sad lying there, I wish I was there to give you a huge hug. Please get better real soon, I don't like seeing you like that. I will add you to my prayers, along with my continuous prayers for your grandma.

Kisses, Nadine

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Oh Twix, I'm so sorry you are hurting. I hope you feel better soon, sweet girl! We are sending lots of love and hugs to you.

Much love,
Cloud and his mom

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

I hope woo all get better soon!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the pain meds and the rest will get you back on your feet in no time. Sorry you're feeling bad today/this week!

Winnie and Lilly said...

I hope that you start to feel better soon. Santa Paws will be comimg soon, so he might bring you something to cheer you up. Keeping my paws crossed for you!
Peace out,

Bijou said...

Hi Twix,

We are sorry you are not feeling well. And yes, those pictures of your sad little face says it all. We wish the vet knew what the problem is and could fix it. We will be thinking of you and hope you're all better soon!


Mochi and Bali said...

Hi Twix! I hope you feel better soon!!! I'm crossing my paws for you and your grandma!


Ms. ~K said...

Oh Sweet Twix, I breaks my heart to see you looking so "down dumps"...
Sending you a big hug!

BRUTUS said...

Poor Twix - sorry to hear you are under the weather. At least you are under the blankets too :) Hope the vet can get you fixed up soon & feeling good for unwrapping your pressies on christmas day!!

Snorts & Frenchie Kisses-

Martine said...

Sweet Twixie,

We don't like to hear that you are not feeling well. We sure hope your shot and pills help get you back to 100% ASAP. Rest up and please feel better soon.

xo martine & the kiddlets

Raising Addie said...

We have all of our paws crossed that you start feeling better soon! It is no fun not feeling well. Wish we could come snuggle with you! Hailey is an expert snuggler!

Lots of luv & kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh dear, Twix. We are so sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well - you look so sad there. We hope your meds help a lot and you are better soon.

Happy weekend, the OP Pack

Lorenza said...

Knowing that you are not feeling well make us feel sad. I really hope that shot and the meds are helping you!
I wish I could do something to make you get better soon!
I have my paws crossed and my mom is praying for you and your Grandma!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

Come on, Twix! Get up, my friend. You well yet? I keep stopping by to check up on you. I just had a great thought: I bet you're too busy feeling healthy and running around. Right? I sure hope so.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

TWIX!! We hope you are feeling better today. And that your Grandma is too.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Twix! I hope you and your Grandma are feeling better.

Unknown said...

Dear, dear Twix! You're under the weather and still got your wonderful Christmas card out to us? We love it. Thank you from all of us.
Bob, Jet, Max, Frankie, Linguini, humans, rest of animals, and Twink!

Baxter said...

hi twix! I still hope you feel better soon. catching up on my email and wanted to say thanks for the e-card!!! :)
